KPMG Collaborates with Microsoft to Offer Blockchain Services

KPMG Collaborates with Microsoft to Offer Blockchain Services

THELOGICALINDIAN - One of the Big Four auditors KPMG announcedthat it has launched Digital Ledger Services in accord with Microsoft

Also read: PwC: Blockchains Could Save Reinsurance Industry $10 Billion 

Saving Costs

Utilizing blockchain technology, this absolute apartment of casework reportedly provides banking casework companies with faster and added defended transactions, automatic and automatic aback appointment operations, and bargain costs.

According to KPMG’s website:

According to Eamonn Maguire, KPMG’s U.S. and all-around advance for Digital Ledger Services, years of accretion authoritative aerial accept aggrandized operating and basic costs of banking casework companies. He also said that blockchain offers able solutions to abbreviation accompanying costs.

Strategic Alliance With Microsoft

Simultaneously, KPMG appear a cardinal accord with microsoft azureMicrosoft to assignment on blockchain initiatives. Microsoft will accommodate its Azure Blockchain as a Service (BaaS) belvedere to body and arrange the cross-platform web and adaptable applications. Meanwhile, KPMG provides its absolute apartment of services.

This “will advice audience calmly and deeply move to the billow for storage, while adopting confusing Blockchain technologies,” KPMG announced.

“The all-around availability of Microsoft Azure, with its amalgam billow capabilities, all-encompassing acquiescence acceptance portfolio, and enterprise-grade aegis advice to accredit blockchain adoption,” according to Marley Gray, administrator of business development & action for blockchain at Microsoft. “Especially in awful adapted industries like banking services, healthcare and government.”

KPMG’s Blockchain Work

KPMG additionally appear that they are alive with audience on several kpmgglobal blockchain projects. One is testing a blockchain band-aid for a above US Bank for all-around payments. Another is the development and prototyping of acute affairs in insurance.

Additionally, the close has committed over 80 ally and admiral to focus on blockchain. This includes its abstracts and analytics accumulation to focus on coding and development in abutment of affidavit of concept, prototyping and affiliation of blockchain capabilities.

What do you anticipate of KPMG’s blockchain services? Let us apperceive in the comments area below.

Images address of Microsoft, KPMG, Shutterstock.