Microsoft Announces Blockchain-Based Decentralized ID System

Microsoft Announces Blockchain-Based Decentralized ID System

THELOGICALINDIAN - Following a accord with theDecentralized Identity Foundation DIF tech behemothic Microsoft has appear affairs to advance blockchain technology to break some of the challenges faced in managing identities and claimed abstracts digitally including users apropos on aloofness and security

In today’s post, advantaged Decentralized Digital Identities and Blockchain – The Future as We See It, Microsoft appear its embrace of blockchain-based technology, such as those that affirm Bitcoin and Ethereum, for use in decentralized IDs (DIDs) through the Microsoft Authenticator app.

Unlike acceptable forms of identification acclimated today, a decentralized character arrangement is not controlled by any single, centralized academy such as a government or tech company. The abstraction is that DIDs abolish the achievability of censorship and accord an alone abounding ascendancy over their character and reputation. After attractive at assorted types of decentralized character systems, Microsoft angry to accessible blockchains due to their adeptness to accredit privacy, self-ownership, and permission-less access.

“After analytical decentralized accumulator systems, accord protocols, blockchains, and a array of arising standards we accept blockchain technology and protocols are able-bodied ill-fitted for enabling Decentralized IDs,” the advertisement from Microsoft read. Identity is one of the long-touted use cases of blockchain technology that does not accept annihilation to do with payments or currency. In the post, Microsoft credibility to Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin as three specific platforms it thinks are acceptable foundations for DIDs.

A key takeaway is that instead of relying on third-parties, blockchain could prove active in putting ascendancy aback into the easily of the chump as able-bodied as deeply autumn claimed data. “Today, users admission ample accord to endless apps and casework for accumulating and assimilation of their abstracts for use above their control,” the column reads. “With abstracts breaches and character annexation acceptable added adult and frequent, users charge a way to booty buying of their identity.”

In the past, critics accept argued that character systems congenital on accessible blockchains would be too big-ticket and difficult to scale, but today’s column credibility out that layer-two systems can be acclimated to abate the all-important cardinal of cher on-chain interactions. This is somewhat agnate to how the Lightning Network (LN) can be acclimated to bigger calibration Bitcoin’s payments use case. 

“While some blockchain communities accept added on-chain transaction accommodation (e.g. blocksize increases), this access about degrades the decentralized accompaniment of the arrangement and cannot ability the millions of affairs per additional the arrangement would accomplish at world-scale. To affected these abstruse barriers, we are accommodating on decentralized Layer 2 protocols that run aloft these accessible blockchains to accomplish all-around scale, while attention the attributes of a world-class DID system,” reads the column from Microsoft.