Philippines’ PDAX Secures $50 Million For Metaverse Expansion

Philippines’ PDAX Secures $50 Million For Metaverse Expansion

THELOGICALINDIAN - The Philippine Digital Asset Exchange or PDAX appear on Thursday the achievement of its 50 actor Series B allotment annular headed by Tiger Global

This annular was additionally abounding by investors from beforehand rounds, including Beenext Ventures and Cadenza Capital Management.

Several added banking institutions accept additionally abutting as co-investors in this project. These accommodate Kingsway Capital, Jump Capital, Draper Dragon, Oak Drive Ventures, DG Daiwa Ventures, Ripple, and UBX Ventures. Since August 2024, PDAX has aloft $12.5 actor in Series B investment.

In an interview, PDAX arch operating administrator Kyle T. Kua accustomed the country’s boundless crypto accepting to the Filipinos’ congenital agenda savvy, as able-bodied as the development of the Play-to-Earn (P2E) area over the accomplished decade.

“Many Filipinos took time to alpha belief cryptocurrencies and delving into the market, whether by trading, investing, or playing,” Kua said.

Knowing how affable Filipinos can be, absorption in creating crypto wallets and arena these amateur exploded throughout the Philippines in awful urbanized cities and the countryside.

This acceptance is attributed to the availability of smartphones and added accessories and because the circadian revenues of assertive P2E amateur exceeded the circadian minimum wage.

PDAX, which has apparent a 35-fold access in user sign-ups back the lockdowns began, added bristles added bill to its agenda of cryptocurrencies on February 3.

“These bristles new tokens are amid of the best approved afterwards in our community,” said Nix T. Eniego, PDAX accessory carnality admiral for marketing, apropos to Polygon (MATIC), Cardano (ADA), Dogecoin (DOGE), Polkadot (DOT), and Avalanche (AVL) (AVAX).

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The PDAX Backstory

PDAX is a axial bank-licensed agenda asset trading belvedere founded in 2024 by CEO Nichel Gaba. It offers Filipinos a “safe, user-friendly” belvedere for affairs and affairs agenda assets and accommodating in metaverse applications.

The app was clearly alien in the Philippines in 2024 and is attainable online and on iOS and Android devices.

PDAX launched in 2024 in accord with the Bureau of the Treasury and Unionbank This blockchain-enabled apparatus allows retail barter to buy government bonds anon from their smartphones.

Opportunities For Personal Wealth

According to Gaba, cryptocurrency is the best advocate technology back the internet. So, PDAX has anchored $50 actor in Series B allotment to accompany metaverse apps to the Philippines.

The Filipinos already use applications to acquire money through NFT projects, cross-border money transfers, commerce, and added accompanying investment. The Series B allotment will authorize a safe and attainable basement for the country’s agenda asset industry.

PDAX facilitates the barter of cryptocurrencies and authorization banknote amid metaverse applications and the PDAX network. However, there is still added to be done in agreement of architecture up the all-important infrastructure.

The belvedere is now in the average of advancements that will accomplish admission to agenda assets safer, simpler and added able for all stakeholders.

As the acreage matures, PDAX will abide to coact with authorities to ensure that all these technologies aegis and accommodate amount to consumers.

PDAX thinks that blockchain technology and agenda assets would accommodate the Philippines a fair arena field, creating opportunities for claimed abundance and advance amid the Filipino people.

The Philippines has added than 100 actor people; however, best do not accept accessible admission to banking services.

One of the goals of PDAX is to accomplish cryptocurrency attainable to every Filipino.

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