Pentagon Looking to Draft Blockchain Technology for Security Purposes

Pentagon Looking to Draft Blockchain Technology for Security Purposes

THELOGICALINDIAN - Blockchain technology has accurate itself to be invaluable for abounding altered applications and now the Pentagon is attractive at application blockchain technology to awfully bolster civic security

There’s no abstinent the animated absorption generated by blockchain technology. The primary focus of blockchain for abounding bodies is in cryptocurrency, such as Bitcoin. However, an absurd amateur is attractive at this alluring innovation: the Pentagon.

The Washington Times is advertisement that the US aggressive is attractive into applications of blockchain technology to advice heighten aegis beyond assorted arenas, such as fending off mega-hacks, tampering, and the hijacking of cartage and satellites through cyber attacks. This focus on blockchain by the Pentagon has been adequate as they see an added blackmail due to Chinese intelligence casework targeting bartering transactions.

The actual attributes of blockchain is arch to it actuality acclimatized for abounding altered uses. The actuality that blockchain is a decentralized balance that is about tamper-proof has led abounding institutions, companies, and countries to use the database technology for their own specific needs.

Just aftermost year, Estonia awarded Guardtime a arrangement to defended all of the country’s one actor bloom annal by application blockchain technology. The all-embracing ambition is to actualize a abiding almanac that will additionally annihilate artifice from the medical marketplace.

A consortium of 47 Japanese banks is application this broadcast balance technology to acquiesce real-time calm and all-embracing payments at a lower amount than before. Japan is additionally is in the balloon appearance of moving their absolute acreage registry to a blockchain-based system.

Looking to Blockchain Technology to Heighten Defense

Now the Pentagon is actively alive on how to use blockchain for their own specific purposes. Aggressive analysts adulation that blockchain has such absurd aegis as any changes fabricated to the database are beatific out to all users, which agency that the database as a accomplished will break defended alike if some of the users are hacked. NATO (of which the USA is a allotment of) launched the Innovation Challenge aftermost year and asked participants to abide blockchain proposals for aggressive logistics, procurement, and finance.

As for the Pentagon and U.S. military, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) are attractive to use blockchain as a defended messaging account that could alike be acclimated on the battlefield. DARPA writes:

Of course, the use of blockchain has abounding added possibilities for the Pentagon. DARPA could use blockchain to advice advance an unhackable code, and a contempo memo by the Foundation for Defense of Democracies goes into some detail on how blockchain can advice assure the country’s civic aegis automated abject (NSIB) from dangers airish by adversary networks that seek to abuse the U.S. through the globalization of accomplishment accumulation chains.

It’s alluring to see how broadly blockchain technology can be used. Its inherent aegis is a absolute fit for the military, and one wonders if we’ll eventually see the Pentagon advantageous bodies in Bitcoin.

Do you anticipate the Pentagon is astute to attending at how to use blockchain technology to advice access civic security? Let us apperceive in the comments below.

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