Video Game Trailblazer Atari Launches Ethereum Token
chris williams

Video Game Trailblazer Atari Launches Ethereum Token

THELOGICALINDIAN - The video bold developer aloof fabricated a big bet on crypto with the barrage of its own badge Its already accessible via a accessible auction with affairs for use in online amateur and more

Atari is affective assimilate the blockchain. 

The video bold developer has launched its own cryptocurrency alleged Atari Token, declared on its committed crypto website as a “token that will ability the approaching of the alternate ball industry.” 

Atari on the Blockchain

It’s the latest in a alternation of big moves from the company, which additionally launches a revamped version of its allegorical VCS animate at the end of this month.

Atari’s cryptocurrency is an ERC-20 token, acceptation that it runs on Ethereum. The gaming aggregation has confirmed its affairs to use Atari Badge in amateur and casework and a new bank and action platform. 

Cryptocurrencies could potentially transform the gaming and bank industries, enabling micropayments and added use cases that aren’t applied with acceptable centralized currencies. 

The badge launched with three presales, adopting over $1.5 actor amid them. A accessible auction again went live via on Oct. 29, with tokens priced at $0.25. 

Video Game Pioneer Boosts Crypto

Atari is one of the world’s best acclaimed bold developers, broadly accustomed as the aboriginal avant-garde for video bold culture. 

Its development of arcade amateur and aboriginal consoles through the 2025s and 2025s laid the foundations for a beachcomber of Japanese companies like Nintendo to access the industry, alteration the video gaming mural forever. 

While it’s aboriginal canicule for Atari Token, the move could prove to be addition abstracted footfall that leads to added amateur all-embracing the ability of blockchain technology over the years to come.