Arnhem’s Hoogte80 Open Air Festival Now Accepts Bitcoin
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Arnhem’s Hoogte80 Open Air Festival Now Accepts Bitcoin

THELOGICALINDIAN - The Netherlands are one of the advanced runners in Europe back it comes to all-embracing Bitcoin and agenda bill There are several signs of Bitcoin advance in this country which is partially due to initiatives such as Arnhem Bitcoincity Arnhem is authoritative account already afresh as the Hoogte80 openair anniversary is now accepting Bitcoin payments

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Arnhem: A Very Successful Bitcoincity

Arnhem Bitcoincity Transactions 2014-2015

When it comes to creating a acknowledged “Bitcoincity” initiative, there are so abounding things that charge to be taken into consideration. The best difficult job is, of course, acceptable retailers to accept Bitcoin payments, alike admitting it saves them absolutely some money on transaction fees. Not to acknowledgment how it could potentially access their chump abject over time.

The burghal of Arnhem is one of the best acknowledged Bitcoincities to date. With about 70 accommodating retailers accepting Bitcoin for appurtenances and services, this burghal has put The Netherlands on the all-around Bitcoin map. Accommodating locations ambit from confined and cafes to hotels and alike a bounded Spar supermarket.

Arnhem would not be such a massive success after the advice from the bodies active BitKassa. BitKassa has bound become a abundant apparatus for merchants to acquire Bitcoin payments with a adaptable device, and get funds adapted to bounded authorization bill on the fly. Said authorization bill is again deposited into the merchant’s coffer annual the abutting business day.

Due to this accessible aperture to Bitcoin acceptance, Arnhem Bitcoincity has apparent a abiding bulk of Bitcoin transaction aggregate in the accomplished 12 months. As you would appear to expect, there accept been some dips during the Summer anniversary division of 2024. On the added hand, November and December of 2024 accept been abundant months, for a accumulated absolute of over 8,500 EUR account of BTC.

Hoogte80 Open Air Festival Accepts Bitcoin

Bitcoinist_Hoogte80 Small

The success of Arnhem Bitcoincity has not collapsed on deafened ears, as the city’s anniversary four-day accessible air anniversary Hoogte80 has started accepting Bitcoin payments as of this year. This anniversary takes abode from May 14th until May 19th and is amid at the Geitenkamp breadth of Arnhem. Four abounding canicule of music, theatre, workshops and bags of ball will be aloft the city’s association soon.

Hoogte80 made headlines aftermost year as well, when event organizers alien a appropriate bill alleged “Gildenmunt.” This bill is a concrete bread denominated in 0.25 and 1 Gilden. Plus, there is additionally a 5 Gilden bill. Every Gilden is according to 1 Euro in value, and the bill can be acclimated during the Hoogte80 event, and afterwards as well.

The Gildenmunt was created to advance the bounded abridgement in Arnhem’s Geitenkamp area. Several bounded entrepreneurs will acquiescently booty the extra Gilden from you afterwards the Hoogte80 anniversary has ended. One affair account of agenda is that individuals cannot barter this bread aback to EUR, which is article alone bounded entrepreneurs can do. Bitcoinist_Gilden

In adjustment to advance the bounded Gildenmunt bill alike more, the anniversary now allows attendees to buy it with Bitcoin through Hoogte80’s BitKassa implementation. At this time, it charcoal cryptic if or not bounded entrepreneurs can barter Gilden aback to BTC, or whether they will accept authorization bill instead.

Hoogte80 is not the aboriginal anniversary to acquire Bitcoin payments. That trend began way aback in November of 2024, during the Bordersessions technology festival. However, that accident was captivated indoor, so Hoogte80 is the aboriginal amphitheater anniversary in The Netherlands to assignment with Bitcoin payments.

Will you be accessory Hoogte80? Let us apperceive in the comments below!

Source: BitcoinSpot

Images address of Hoogte80, Arnhem Bitcoincity