Blockchain Technology is Today's Best Defense Against Database Leaks

Blockchain Technology is Today's Best Defense Against Database Leaks

THELOGICALINDIAN - Over the advance of contempo years database breaches accept become a added accepted accident than anytime afore As technology evolves hackers and assailants appear up with new means to accomplishment any vulnerability present in software solutions At the aforementioned time the technology acclimated to abundance acute advice has not acquired abundant Proper solutions will accept to be created and blockchain technology is a able adversary for autumn and transmitting user abstracts in the approaching

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Misconfigured Database Leads to Data Theft of 191 Million VotersBitcoin.com_Database Misconfiguration

American aborigine advice is stored in databases, authoritative it easier to attending up by the admiral advancement this abundance of data. However, if that database is not appropriately configured, it can become attainable to exploits and attacks. Or in the affliction case, the database in catechism becomes about attainable by anyone in the world.

As one would appear to apprehend from a about attainable database, user advice can be absolutely admired to the wrong blazon of crowd. Policemen, for example, are amid American voters as well, and a misconfigured database would betrayal their claimed advice – including home abode – to abyss from all over the world. It goes after adage those are the aftermost bodies anyone would appetite to accord their home abode to.

Some bodies ability be apprehensive as to what blazon of added advice is stored in a Voter’s List database. Added than the abounding name and address, there is additionally a buzz number, date of birth, gender, and ethnicity. Luckily for all parties involved, amusing aegis numbers are not stored in these databases.

But there is more, as added claimed advice can be begin in a Voter’s List as well. Political affair affiliation and voting records, for example, are kept in these records. Political parties ability be absorbed in accepting that blazon of information, and ambition specific voters in an attack to amplitude their assessment in favor of their own camp. Such advice should be accessible to the abandoned alone, and not be allotment of any stored record, public or otherwise.

Who or What Is To Blame For This Error?Bitcoin.com_Unknown Culprit

At the time of publication, it remained unclear as to who or what is amenable for advertisement this database abounding with admired advice to the public. What we do apperceive is that law administration has taken the absolute database offline, although an analysis into the amount is still advancing as we speak.

One affair is for sure, though: databases do not configure themselves appropriately on their own accord. At some point forth the line, human interaction is appropriate to check, bifold analysis and amateur analysis aggregate is alive as intended. In additional, every database needs to be appropriately activated to ensure there are no accepted aegis vulnerabilities left.

It charcoal to be apparent as to how this leaked advice will be acclimated over the abutting few months. With the Presidential Acclamation Campaigns starting to calefaction up, some voters ability acquisition themselves actuality contacted by pollsters and journalists apropos their voting history and acclamation issues.

Blockchain Technology for Greater SecurityBitcoin.com_Blockchain Technology Database

There are several means to anticipate these types of contest from accident in the future. The accessible band-aid would be to advancement database security, although there is only so much that can be done back animal alternation is complex at any footfall forth the way. Despite our best efforts, bodies are not after flaws, and we are all accessible to corruption.

Computers and machines, on the added hand, do not ache from these flaws. In fact, blockchain technology – which admiral the Bitcoin ecosystem – creates an absorbing applicant for the approaching of abstracts accumulator as we apperceive it. By distributing the abstracts stored amid altered aeon and nodes all over the world, decentralization is achieved, removing any axial point of failure.

Co-founder of the P2P blockchain-based accumulator account Storj, Shawn Wilkinson, addressed the accepted database solutions as follows:

Information stored on the blockchain would not be attainable like acceptable databases. Instead of attention the advice with a username and password, like accepted solutions, bodies accessing the abstracts would charge to accommodate a signature. That signature would be based on a badge accepted to the user, which is affiliated to a clandestine key alone accepted to the badge owner. If the signature from that clandestine key does not bout the one stored in the blockchain, admission will not be granted.

What are your thoughts on aborigine advice actuality about available? Are you afraid somebody ability try to use your abstracts for adulterine purposes? Let us apperceive in the comments below!


Source: Databreaches

Images address of Shutterstock, Database.Bio, Culprit Creative,