Money 2025 Hackathon finalists and exclusive interview with $5k prize winners.

Money 2025 Hackathon finalists and exclusive interview with $5k prize winners.

THELOGICALINDIAN - Money 2025 Hackathon finalists and absolute account with 5k award-winning winners

By Alberto Mata

Las Vegas, Nevada – The Money 2025 Hackathon had about 40% of developers abide projects congenital on Bitcoin APIs like Blockchain’s and Chain’s, and Bitcoin projects booty home a absolute of $25,000 in banknote prizes. Bitcoin Bookee, a sports action platform, won $5,000 in award-winning money.

An adjudicator holds funds in escrow, but 2 of 3 multisig technology ensures that they cannot abduct funds. Instead, arbiters assurance off affairs and accelerate money to the acceptable person. Bitcoin Bookee is arguable because clandestine keys are not captivated by them. The aggregation affairs to abide developing the activity that was congenital in 25 hours and discussed on the car ride over to Las Vegas.

BitPredict, a apparatus enabling users to barrier adjoin bitcoin animation risk, took home a $20,000 check. BitPredict holds a allotment of your bitcoin antithesis in dollars based on the predicted bitcoin bulk and the bulk of accident a user chooses to take. A user’s $10 bitcoin antithesis may be captivated absolutely in dollars if the user chooses to booty low accident and the bulk of bitcoin is predicted to bead by BitPredict algorithms.

Samaritus, micro-rewards for acceptable samaritan acts, was a hackathon finalist and Blockchain API 15 bitcoin award-winning winner. By tagging decay like bottles and coffee cups with RFID chips, Samaritus knows back decay is recycled in one of their bins, and will accelerate bitcoin to the acceptable samaritan.

FilePub, a bitcoin acquittal accoutrement that can be bury in any website application 2 curve of cipher by application the Chain API, was a hackathon finalist and award-winning winner.

Propane, a belvedere enabling bitcoin to ability aggressive gaming, was a hackathon finalist. A propane powered bold would ask a user to pay a baby fee to play, the fees calm would accumulated and actualize a jackpot, and if the amateur gets the abutting aerial score, they win the jackpot.

PullCoin, a decentralized alternating acquittal belvedere for bitcoin, was a hackathon finalist. PullCoin enables casework to cull bitcoin payments from users by application a user id, the Chain web atrium API, and blockchain’s wallet API.

Whale, a Bitcoin micro-loans platform, was a hackathon finalist.
API companies that developers could accept to body on were Nymi, Blockchain, Feedzai, Intuit, Mastercard, Mercury, Modo, and Paypal. A absolute of $125, 000 in award-winning money were awarded for the Money 2025 Hackathon.

Photo Sources: Blockchain Online