Report: 33% of US Based ICO Investors Say Founders Intentionally Deceived Them or Withheld Key Information

Report: 33% of US Based ICO Investors Say Founders Intentionally Deceived Them or Withheld Key Information

THELOGICALINDIAN - A analysis conducted by Xangle Research finds that a third 33 of respondents say founders of an antecedent bread alms ICO in which they invested either carefully bamboozled them or withheld key advice A added 17 of the responding ICO investors say they did not apperceive if they had been bamboozled However about bisected 50 of the 600 US investors that took allotment in the analysis replied no back asked the aforementioned questions

Divergent Views

The survey, which approved to barometer broker affect in the after-effects of the 2017 ICO craze, additionally begin that over bisected of the 33% who said yes anticipate “the ICO activity creators should be captivated criminally liable.”

Report: 33% of US Based ICO Investors Say Founders Intentionally Deceived Them or Withheld Key Information

Commenting on these findings, the analysis close says “these responses appearance a abundant bigger botheration about accuracy and advice asymmetry.” Xangle Analysis adds that advice aberration “leads to broker abashing about projects and the acumen of actuality agreeably bamboozled about the advice fabricated available.”

Still, in its summary, Xangle Research addendum how the disparate broker adventures accept had a address on how they apperceive agnate fundraising activities in the future. Explaining the aberrant experiences, the analysis arbitrary says:

Still, added investors may accept “unwittingly put their money into betray projects.” Such investors accept “they were deceived, defrauded, and would not advance in an ICO again.”

Lack of Awareness and Regulation Holding Back Cryptos

Meanwhile, the analysis additionally approved opinions of respondents on “what they anticipation was captivation the crypto bazaar aback based on their claimed adventures with investing.” According to the findings, about 27.5% said a abridgement of acquaintance is captivation aback the market. About 24% of respondents accept the abridgement of adjustment is adverse assurance and growth. Next, respondents say the abridgement of aegis (20%), abridgement of accuracy (14.5%) and the abridgement of use cases (12%) are the added cogent factors captivation aback the crypto market.

Report: 33% of US Based ICO Investors Say Founders Intentionally Deceived Them or Withheld Key Information

Based on these findings, Xangle Research ends by auspicious “serious crypto projects to alpha putting added advice out about their projects, their founders, and their business model.”

In addition, the industry as able-bodied can “start normalizing that acute breeze of advice out to the public, and can put burden on avenue scams, alive that a few rogue start-ups are absolutely ruining it for anybody else.”

Do you accede with the allegation of this survey? Tell us what you anticipate in the comments area below.

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