What Does the Future Hold for Augur’s Prediction Market?

What Does the Future Hold for Augur’s Prediction Market?

THELOGICALINDIAN - Following abundant delays and abundant alarum Augurs decentralized anticipation bazaar has launched One anniversary on an assay of the array of wagers its admiring shows the means in which the Ethereumbased activity can be acclimatized as able-bodied as the abeyant hazards How decentralized is Augur and if advance came to boost could the belvedere prove that it is absolutely censorship aggressive The fate of Augur may articulation on the abomination of the predictions its users place

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The Market That Was Three Years in the Making

What Does the Future Hold for Augur’s Anticipation Market?Long afore the ICO meme hit aiguille velocity, there was Augur. The activity captivated its crowdsale aback in 2015, adopting $5 million, a amount that looks bashful by today’s standards. Tokens were issued at $0.6 apiece, which is a abbreviate accustomed their accepted amount of $29 – and Augur’s built-in REP badge has accomplished added than alert that amount at its peak. Building a decentralized anticipation bazaar powered by acute affairs is as difficult as it sounds. Even so, no one accepted it to booty until mid 2018 for Augur to launch.

As of aftermost week, Augur has been live, enabling the masses to column predictions and to advertise shares in the aftereffect of the accident advancing to pass. The college the amount of the share, the likelier the accurate aftereffect is. Officially, Augur relies on the acumen of the crowd. Unofficially, it’s a anatomy of actionable gambling. The amends of Augur and its adeptness to avoid censorship has become a hot topic. Should the US, area the activity is based, booty barring to the attributes of its business archetypal or to the abomination of assertive predictions, it could burden the founders into ambagious up their operations. While there’s annihilation to advance that Augur’s in trouble, one aberrant anticipation could be all it takes.

What Does the Future Hold for Augur’s Prediction Market?

Predictions for Good, Predictions for Bad

In its aboriginal week, Augur has apparent some absorbing predictions placed, alignment from the anticipated to the meta.

What Does the Future Hold for Augur’s Prediction Market?

As a “decentralized” activity that is codicillary on a web area hosted on a centralized server, Augur is no added decentralized than Cryptokitties. Shut bottomward the armpit and you would finer shut bottomward the platform, alike if it could be ported to an another domain. Working aural the constraints of the web in its actual form, however, Diviner is decentralized in the faculty that no one can stop the breeze of ether and REP tokens that anoint its market, and no one can stop its cipher from actuality cloned. As with any crypto activity that has acutely authentic leadership, however, a amendment from the US government is acceptable all it would booty to accelerate Diviner on an continued hiatus.

What Does the Future Hold for Augur’s Prediction Market?

There is annihilation to advance the US gov has its architect set on authoritative activity adamantine for Joey Krug and his Augur colleagues, aloof as there’s annihilation to advance that the aggregation would wind bottomward or abridge their activity after a fight. But with a exchange area it’s accessible to abode any array of anticipation and again to accumulation from it advancing true, the abeyant for corruption doesn’t charge spelling out. As crypto commenter Matt Odell noted, assassination and alarm advance markets are aloof two of the accessible applications for Augur.

In that respect, Augur elicits memories of a abysmal web armpit alleged The Assassination Market. Like abounding declared darknet sites, it was apparently a hoax, but its apriorism wasn’t so far removed from Augur. Operating beneath the byword “We abutting governments”, The Assassination Market explained its alignment as follows:

1. Someone adds a name to the account forth with some information.
2. Bodies add money to the asleep pool.
3. Other bodies adumbrate back that being will die, but the agreeable of the anticipation stays hidden until afterwards the fact.
4. Correct predictions get the pool.

In added words, there was a budgetary allurement to annihilate accessible figures. It seems absurd that anyone would adumbrate a presidential assassination aloof to affirmation a few ether from Augur, but it’s an absorbing possibility. Until the platform’s been stress-tested to the limits, we won’t apperceive what it’s able of and what abuses it can withstand. For the account of all decentralized markets in, the approaching of Augur is account watching.

Do you anticipate Augur will be able to bear attempts to shut it down? Let us apperceive in the comments area below.

Images address of Shutterstock, Twitter and Augur.

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