A Visit to This Key Level Could Send Ethereum on a Violent Rally to $370
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A Visit to This Key Level Could Send Ethereum on a Violent Rally to $370

THELOGICALINDIAN - Ethereum has been one of the best assuming cryptocurrencies throughout 2025 with the cryptocurrencys January uptrend axis emblematic this February afterwards ETH bankrupt aloft 200

This emblematic assemblage led the crypto as aerial as $290, which is about area its buyers absent their strength, after arch the crypto to reel aback bottomward to $260.

In the near-term, one arresting analyst is acquainted that the crypto could see some added concise downside, but it is important to agenda that a appointment to its antecedent beat highs could activate a massive assemblage that leads ETH up to beginning annual highs of $370.

Ethereum Incurs Short-Term Downtrend as Analysts Eye Further Losses

At the time of writing, Ethereum is trading bottomward 6% at its current price of $259, which marks a notable abatement from its circadian highs of $277 that were set bygone morning above-mentioned to Bitcoin’s aciculate movement to beneath $10,000 that led altcoins like ETH to analogously drop.

While zooming out and attractive at ETH’s amount activity over the accomplished several days, it is bright that the crypto’s acute uptrend appears to be stalling, as it has beneath decidedly from highs of $290 that were set on Friday.

In the near-term, analysts accept it will abide seeing added downside until it alcove its above-mentioned beat aerial at $224.

Nik Patel, a arresting banker and analyst, batten about this in a contempo blog post, in which he explains that ETH is acceptable to abide crumbling until it alcove this above above-mentioned beat high.

“Beginning with ETH/USD on the Weekly timeframe, we can see that, with amount accepting bankrupt aloft the above-mentioned swing-high at $224 aftermost week, the assemblage connected this accomplished anniversary with aggregate continuing to rise. If we do get a Bitcoin-led dip abutting week, a retest of $224 would be a absolute befalling in my opinion,” he noted.

Will a Visit to $224 Allow ETH to Rally to Over $370?

Although a bead to these levels would acceptable advance abounding investors to cast bearish on Ethereum, it is important to agenda that Patel believes it could be carefully followed by an acute assemblage up to $370.

“The highs aloft at $370 abide the primary target, as I apprehend this breadth will be retested over the advancing months,” he explained.

If Ethereum does actual to $224, it will beggarly that it has asleep about all of the assets it has incurred over the accomplished two weeks, and it will be analytical that ETH holds aloft this key abutment in adjustment for it to rally accomplished $300.