BitMain Issues Firmware Upgrade for Antminers Following Antbleed
cryptocurrency news

BitMain Issues Firmware Upgrade for Antminers Following Antbleed

THELOGICALINDIAN - BitMain the arch Bitcoin mining accouterments architect was all over the account bygone afterward the analysis of a aegis blemish called Antbleed The added abrogating publicity and apropos amid the cryptocurrency mining association accept affected BitMain to apologize about and action a accomplishments about the Antbleed issue

According to the company, the “so-called” aegis blemish was declared to be a affection in development which didn’t see the ablaze of the day. The affection that allows owners (and possibly others) to shut bottomward the miners accidentally was alien to action users with greater ascendancy over the platform. But it was never completed afterwards the development aggregation ran into some issues. If completed the alien admission and abeyance affection would accept been agnate to the affection provided by adaptable buzz manufacturers said the aggregation in its latest blog post. The column additionally offers advice about few instances area such a affection would accept appear in handy.

“This affection was advised to acquiesce the owners of Antminer to accidentally shut bottomward their miners that may accept been baseborn or hijacked by their hosting account provider, and to additionally accommodate law administration agencies with added tracking advice in such cases. We never advised to use this affection on any Antminer after allotment from its owner. This is agnate to the alien abolish or abeyance affection provided by best acclaimed smartphone manufacturers.”

The Antbleed bug affects over 70 percent of all the accouterments miners that are allotment of the Bitcoin network, which makes up to about 50 percent of the absolute hashing power. The accouterments miners afflicted by Antbleed includes Antminer S9, Antminer R4, Antminer T9, Antminer L3 and Antminer L3 .

In adjustment to anticipate hackers and cybercriminals from misusing the vulnerability, BitMain has appear the absolution of a new adapted antecedent cipher and firmware advancement to abolish the bug. The firmware advancement is accessible in the blog column (update link) as able-bodied as the company’s website.

BitMain may accept had the best intentions back it alien a partially congenital affection into the codebase. But it bootless to complete the affection or abolish the codes afterwards chief to bead the feature. By not accomplishing so, it had larboard the accomplished Bitcoin arrangement accessible to attacks. The capacity of aegis blemish are now out there in public, and it is in the best interests of the miners as able-bodied as Bitcoin arrangement to ensure every BitMain accessory abettor upgrades the firmware to defended their equipment.