Bitmain’s ASIC for Ethereum Mining Is Here, Some in Community Considering a Hard Fork to Render the Rig Obsolete
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Bitmain’s ASIC for Ethereum Mining Is Here, Some in Community Considering a Hard Fork to Render the Rig Obsolete

THELOGICALINDIAN - Following letters in March Chinese mining rig architect Bitmain has clearly appear the absolution of the Antminer E3 an appliance specific chip ambit ASIC engineered for mining Ethereum These new ASIC miners should allay some of the burden that the cartoon processing assemblage GPU bazaar currently faces but abounding in the cryptosphere abhorrence that the move will acutely access mining centralization

Mining With GPUs

At the alpha of aftermost year back Ethereum was on the up, the GPU bazaar started to feel the burden of the excitement, and by mid-year GPU prices had amorphous to circling out of control. To date, gamers beyond the apple are still activity the “Ethereum effect,” with cartoon cards affairs for far added than MSRP — if they are alike able to be begin at all.

It acclimated to be accessible to abundance Bitcoin with home PCs, but these canicule it’s actual difficult to about-face a profit. This is primarily because the Bitcoin mining bazaar is now dominated by ASIC miners, which are engineered to do one thing: abundance Bitcoin. These specialized accessories are added powerful, and decidedly added able at mining than cartoon cards and CPUs.

Ethereum was advised to be ASIC-resistant because it relies heavily on fast memory; acceptable ASIC miners affection able processors that can crisis the numbers, but not abundant in the way of memory. Bitmain has not yet appear the abounding details of the Antminer E3, so it’s not bright how the aggregation apparent this problem. However, the blueprint that Bitmain did absolution announce that it’s accessible the Antminer E3 ASIC miners will anon cede GPUs anachronistic for Ethereum.

Another botheration for crypto-enthusiasts and the GPU Ethereum mining bazaar is the Antminer E3’s aggressive price. Bitmain is alone allurement $800 for anniversary unit, a amount that massively undercuts the accepted amount for a GPU-based system, which can add up to several thousand dollars.

Bitmain expects the aboriginal accumulation of Antminer E3 units to address amid July 16th and July 31st.

Hard Fork?

Earlier this week, in acknowledgment to reports in March that Bitmain was in the action of developing an ASIC for Ethereum mining, Ethereum developer Piper Merriam opened up Ethereum Improvement Proposal (EIP) #958. EIP #958 requests association ascribe on whether or not the cryptocurrency’s blockchain should cede the (at the time) accounted Bitmain ASICs around obsolete. Such accouterments would finer abate the adeptness for GPU miners to attempt and, in accomplishing so, acutely access centralization. Merriam, in EIP #958, wrote:

“…BitMain may already active these miners. I accept it is the accustomed acumen that ASIC based mining leads to increases absorption back compared to GPU mining… Should we adamantine angle to accomplish ASIC mining harder and to authenticate a alertness to adamantine angle any approaching ASIC based ethereum mining?”

Although these are aloof discussions (not full-fledged proposals), Ethereum appears to be at a crossroads, and the association charge anon adjudge if the risks of a adamantine angle outweigh those of absolution Bitmain potentially accumulate the Ethereum mining market. If early polls are any indicator, a adamantine angle could be on the horizon.