Takes ICO Record with $4 Billion in EOS Sales
cryptocurrency news Takes ICO Record with $4 Billion in EOS Sales

THELOGICALINDIAN - Blockone the developer of EOS and capital antagonism to the Ethereum arrangement will accomplishment its yearlong bread alms tomorrow accepting aloft 4 billion in broker funds

EOS Token Sales Brought in $4 Billion

Based in the Cayman islands and headed by 31-year-old Hong Kong-based CEO Brendan Blumer, is on clue to dwarf all added ICOs anytime launched. They will added than bifold the $1.7 billion that Tron took in beforehand this year which had angled the antecedent better ICO. aloft the money by auctioning off 2 actor of their EOS tokens every 23 hours at an accustomed aerial bid, accretion 900 actor tokens awash back the auctions began on June 26, 2017.

Despite common adjustment issues, ICOs abide to draw massive amounts of broker money back the meteoric rise of the cryptocurrency bazaar in 2017. So far in 2018 ICO’s represent 7.15 billion USD invested not including the total according to The Wall Street Journal. What buyers of the EOS tokens don’t apperceive yet is how affairs to use this massive arrival of funds.

The aggregation affairs to barrage their belvedere for hosting decentralized web applications in June but will leave their software accessible antecedent for developers to body out the belvedere via upgrades to the accessible alternation and decentralized applications (dApps). has already invested millions of dollars into collective ventures with Finlab AG and added clandestine blockchain investors to advice advance the development of the EOSIO ecosystem. Additionally, the aggregation has apprenticed to advance added than $1 billion in startups architecture on EOS.

As for the actual $3 billion the aggregation hasn’t fabricated any accessible advertisement admitting they are expanding. Its website is currently announcement for eight new engineers and they accept afresh assassin above Bank of New York Mellon advocate Lee Schneider as accepted counsel, and a new arch banking officer, Rob Jesudason, who was CFO of Commonwealth Bank of Australia.

Dafeng Guo, a 30-year Hong Kong aborigine active in Shanghai and architect of EOS Asia, a clandestine accumulation that affairs to advance and hopes to accumulation from the EOS blockchain told the WSJ;

“I accept the ( aggregation has the abstruse adequacy of accustomed this activity out,” Guo talked about how he was afflicted with the companies affairs to become a boilerplate belvedere afore abacus “I accept in EOS,”

Major Security Flaw Discovered

Just canicule afore it’s planned mainnet barrage on June 2 a security flaw that could leave clandestine abstracts on the EOS arrangement accessible through a “super node” advance was apparent which acquired the amount of EOS to bead by 7% in beneath than an hour admitting it has recovered and is currently trading at $12.40 according to