BTC-e Calls Ethereum Classic a Scam
cryptocurrency news

BTC-e Calls Ethereum Classic a Scam

THELOGICALINDIAN - The apple of cryptocurrency seems actual disconnected back it comes to Ethereum and Ethereum Classic appropriate now Cryptocurrency barter BTCe went as far as calling Ethereum Classic ascam as they accept no affairs to abutment it However assorted of their ETH users are acceptable to accept ETH tokens for funds stored afore the adamantine angle took abode Will the aggregation pay that funds to the applicable owners or will they accumulate the ETC to advertise it and acquire the profits

BTC-E Plays A Very Dangerous Game

Personal animosity should never abound over accepted business sense, abnormally not in the apple of cryptocurrency. The BTC-E exchange is cutting themselves in the bottom by calling Ethereum Classic a scam, as these types of allegations will abode companies for a actual continued time. Ethereum Classic is the aforementioned as the Ethereum blockchain, but after abutment for the adamantine fork.

So far, Ethereum Classic has apparent some abundant abutment from association members. Additionally, assorted companies are alive on ETC affiliation into their belvedere or products. If this activity were such a scam, as BTC-E claims, none of this would be happening. In fact, these claims are based on annihilation but claimed bent by the attending of things.

“BTC-e’s official standpoint on this affair is as follows: Ethereum Classic in the accepted affairs is a scam. The Ethereum association absitively to apparatus the hardfork in adjustment to about-face to the new chain. All above pools and exchanges (including BTC-e) did absolutely that. On the additional day afterwards the alpha of ETC trading BTC-e accustomed a notification from Poloniex, adage that we charge to defended the ETCs in our ETH wallet. At the time of notification, best of these bill accept already been beatific to Poloniex by our users. So there were about none of these bill in our wallet.”

This is absolutely an absorbing statement, as BTC-E claims their users accept transferred their own ETC funds to the Poloniex exchange. However, the aggregation provides aught affirmation to abutment these claims, added advertence that article is not abacus up. That said, BTC-E claims they can do annihilation about the situation, alike admitting a lot of bodies are ambitious their funds alternate to them.

It will be absorbing to see how this book plays out, as BTC-E is not the alone barter adverse a lot of abuse over Ethereum Classic appropriate now. Coinbase continues to aperture funds left, right, and center, as they accept still not anchored the affair with Ethereum purchases and withdrawals. Peter Todd alike mentioned on Twitter how this could advance to the barter belvedere acceptable bankrupt rather quickly.

Source: BTC-E Blog

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