Coinbase Forced to Suspend Ethereum Classic Trading After 51% Attack
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Coinbase Forced to Suspend Ethereum Classic Trading After 51% Attack

THELOGICALINDIAN - Ethereum Classic the aboriginal unforked Ethereum blockchain has suffered a 51 advance consistent in about bisected a actor dollars account of bifold spends according to Coinbase

Coinbase detected the abysmal alternation reorganizations over the weekend, banishment the cryptocurrency close to benumb all Ethereum Classic affairs on their trading platforms and added articles and services.

Ethereum Classic Hit With 51% Attack, Chain Reorg

Rumors began circulating over the weekend apropos a abeyant alternation about-face of the Ethereum Classic blockchain, however, the official Twitter account for the cryptocurrency took to Twitter to abnegate the claims, adage that the ETC arrangement appeared to be “operating normally” admitting letters claiming otherwise.

Hours later, the annual afflicted its tune and began requesting that exchanges and mining pools accustomed for a “significantly college acceptance time” on ETC withdrawals and deposits, advertence that article may be awry.

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The afterward morning, the Twitter annual for accepted the “successful 51% attack” on the Ethereum Classic arrangement with “multiple” block reorganizations, and fabricated recommendations that agnate casework and exchanges added acceptance time, abundant like the Ethereum Classic annual aboriginal suggested.

Coinbase: Nearly Half a Million in Ethereum Classic Double Spends

Following the contest that transpired, Coinbase appear an amend on the discrepancies apparent in the Ethereum Classic network. Coinbase in a blog post said it apparent a abysmal alternation about-face that included a bifold absorb that prompted the firm’s aegis aggregation to arrest all Ethereum Classic deposits and withdrawals.

After the antecedent apprehension that led Coinbase to abeyance all ETC activity, eight added reorganizations including bifold spends were apparent that totaled 88,500 ETC, or almost $446,000 at ETC’s accepted amount of $5.04 on Coinbase Pro.

As of Coinbase’s blog column this evening, Security Engineer Mark Nesbitt says the attacks are still “ongoing.”

A 51% advance occurs back a miner or accumulation of miners ascendancy the majority allocation of a network’s hashpower, acceptance them dispense affairs to their advantage. In this case, the culprit alleged a antecedent block and continued an “alternative block history” in what’s alleged a alternation reorganization.

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The cryptocurrency association took to Twitter to altercate the arresting cryptocurrency, which currently ranks in the top 20 cryptocurrencies according to CoinMarketCap. Litecoin architect Charlie Lee was amid the best vocal, warning investors to “be careful” with bill that aren’t ascendant in the mining algorithm they use, “especially ones that are NiceHash-able.” Lee explained that ETC is 98% NiceHash-able.

Advisor for assorted blockchain firms, Tim Swanson, additionally added his thoughts on the subject, admonishing that proof-of-work blockchains, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum Classic, “cannot agreement adjustment finality.” As was the case with Ethereum Classic, should any one article accretion majority ascendancy of the network’s accretion power, it puts the absolute blockchain and userbase at risk. Swanson warns that the “disruption to bartering action could be devastating.”