Cryptolocator Altcoin Trading Marketplace – Announces Platform Launch
cryptocurrency news

Cryptolocator Altcoin Trading Marketplace – Announces Platform Launch

THELOGICALINDIAN - An all-embracing exchange for Ethereum trading Cryptolocatorcom will barrage in the average of October 2024

Cryptolocator belvedere unites trading ally and facilitates affairs with accepted cryptocurrencies, prioritizing ETH. Users get admission to a set of acceptable exchange appearance and accord mechanisms, new trading pairs, and added account improvements. The developers are already researching the achievability of smart-contract implementation.

The aggregation harbors able specialists accomplished in fintech, the blockchain, and smart-contracts. The abstruse accomplishing of the activity is handled by a accumulation of developers from Russia. A acknowledged article is registered in a administration with bright behavior apropos the cryptocurrency market.

Cryptolocator development and barrage is absolutely adjourned by adventure capital. Such a “traditional” access indicates investors’ assurance in the activity and highlights the founders’ aplomb in their own product.

An array of authorization money barter methods is inherent to the platform. Cryptolocator allows users to aces the best acceptable acquittal methods and their amount correlation, whether a coffer transfer, cyberbanking money or cash.

Early-bird Bonus

First users of Cryptolocator will be able to barter with decidedly lower fees aural 6 months afterwards the activity is launched. For the alive user, there will be a compensation affairs on


Thanks to the p2p approach, bazaar participants are advantaged to set the transaction agreement themselves. Fairplay is ensured by:

User abstracts is adequate and encrypted. Access aegis is provided by two-factor authentication. DDoS-protection is provided by the industry baton specialized in fintech projects. Code analysis was performed by an absolute able group.


The belvedere will be developed and upgraded in several stages, including ablution adaptable applications, abutting new cryptocurrencies, ablution the exchange of things, added merchant functions, and more.