DASH and Litecoin Analysis January 15, 2024
cryptocurrency news

DASH and Litecoin Analysis January 15, 2024


DASH continues to alluvion around, bouncing from the $1000 akin on Friday. The bazaar looks a bit limp, and absolutely bluntly I anticipate you can booty your time afore jumping in with both feet. However, if you are a concise trader, you may be able to barter aback and forth. I anticipate we will apparently go attractive appear the $1100 akin if we get any drive at all, as it is accessible that there is massive abutment at the $1000 level, extending bottomward to the $950 level. If we do blemish to the upside, apprehend a lot of attrition at $1200.


Litecoin has bounced a bit during the trading affair on Friday, extensive appear the $250 level. I accept that we can go above there and acquisition alike added attrition at the $260 level. The $220 akin beneath is alms support, and although I anticipate we will see a move higher, I don’t necessarily feel that there is any acute acumen to put money to assignment though.

Thanks for watching, I’ll be aback tomorrow.