PAINFUL: Two Cryptocurrency Exchanges Shut Down in 48 Hours!
cryptocurrency news

PAINFUL: Two Cryptocurrency Exchanges Shut Down in 48 Hours!

THELOGICALINDIAN - In what could be termed as a above setback for the basic bill industry two cryptocurrency exchanges namely Bitstake and Yacuna accept pulled bottomward their shutters in the aftermost two days

In its aftermost columnist note, Yacuna said that while Bitcoin remained a admirable technology and that they were appreciative to be one of the aboriginal European exchanges for cryptocurrency yet, they accept to shut bottomward their operations.

Cryptocurrency barter Yacuna will abutting their operations on November 15th, 2024 and has requested consumers to analysis on their annual antithesis and abjure any bulk afore November 15th, 2024.

The barter additionally said that it will manually accumulation and action withdrawals of all currencies, but it additionally added that this may booty some time.

Meanwhile, Nigeria-based Bitstake has additionally appear that it is absolute its adventure that began 10 months ago.

When a user tries to admission the Bitstake website,, again the aboriginal pop-up bulletin informs the clairvoyant of the sad advice in these words: “We apologize, but the belvedere will abeyance soon. Please abjure your coins.”

Bitstake began its operations with developing banking casework powered by the Bitcoin blockchain with P2P lending, SMS wallet, and the barter services. The cryptocurrency exchange’s abrupt abeyance accommodation has been accustomed to the changes in company’s direction.

In the columnist agenda issued to the media, the aggregation vowed that it is aggravating to apprentice from its mistakes and has asked its users to abjure their Bitcoin antithesis by 30th October 2024.

For those who still charge to barter in Bitcoin, the aggregation has recommended NairaEx advertence that there’s 1,000 Naira signup acclaim for new Nigerian users.

The abeyance of the operations of these two exchanges is a sad development decidedly because the blockchain technology is accomplishing actual able-bodied now with big banks like Swiss behemothic UBS, and banking institutions like Barclays advance heavily in this field.