EOS Mainnet Takes A 5 Hour Breather Due To A Small Bug, Criticized
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EOS Mainnet Takes A 5 Hour Breather Due To A Small Bug, Criticized

THELOGICALINDIAN - The EOS mainnet had to booty a quick blow bygone with an abrupt bug causing its blockchain to appear to a abounding stop

Quick And Effective Response

EOS New York stated that the blockchain paused at 9:56 UTC, which anon triggered a knee-jerk acknowledgment from all alive EOS Block Producers. The block producers forth with ‘standby nodes’ bound jumped into a appointment alarm to advice analyze and alter the issue.

After about an hour of discussion, associates of the appointment alarm absitively that it would be best for all standby nodes to briefly attenuate their nodes, while still abetment up basic information.

Eventually, the accumulation of bent individuals begin the account of the problem, declaring that they were alive on a fix. After about bristles hours of work, the EOS alternation resumed, acceptance for affairs to go through at 14:48 UTC.

Despite the quick response, users still acquainted an about five-hour downtime, cogent their acrimony and atheism on this project’s built-in subreddit. 

Reddit user, ‘SonataSystems’, jumped on the actuality that such a bug exists, saying:

Is there a astute (real apple configuration/load) testnet to put these patches through a strong, astern gauntlet above-mentioned to release? Are they aloof auctioning abstinent cipher over the fence? Aloof how abundant analysis advantage is there, and how abundant astern testing is performed, area is it performed and by whom?

Rough Start For An Aspiring Blockchain

This isn’t the best assurance for a aboriginal cryptocurrency project, as the blow beat bags of transactions, if not more.

This abeyance has alone added to the abrogating affect captivated appear this aggressive project, as it aims to beat players like Ethereum. EOS has had a far from bland launch, demography about two weeks to ensure that the blockchain was abiding and absolutely functional.

Many critics attributed this adjournment to the actuality that the ICO aggregation handed the administration ‘reins’ to the community, removing the ability of an about $4 billion fund.

On June 14th, the mainnet officially launched, with abounding users assertive that all worries were far abaft them.  However, with this bug crippling the EOS blockchain, it is credible that there may be added issues to anguish about, at atomic in the abbreviate term. 

Some brainstorm that Block.one, the aggregation abaft EOS, did not do abundant assignment to ensure that the mainnet was chargeless of bugs. Just canicule afore the appointed mainnet launch, a developer racked up over $100,000 in bounty claims while award errors aural the pre-released cipher repository.

Considering the actuality that a accepted user, not backed by any corporations or ICO funds, begin a aggregation of bugs has had some worried. Would it be all too crazy to accept that there are added bugs that lie in delay for added users to find?

EOS has had a tumultuous start, to say the least. But there are still abounding who still basis for the success of this baby blockchain, not beat by yesterday’s events. 


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