Ethereum Classic Price Technical Analysis – ETC Eyes 0.00100BTC
cryptocurrency news

Ethereum Classic Price Technical Analysis – ETC Eyes 0.00100BTC

THELOGICALINDIAN - Ethereum archetypal amount fabricated addition new low bygone adjoin the Bitcoin and may abide to abide beneath the bearish pressure

Ethereum Classic Price New Low

ETC amount made addition low adjoin the US dollar and Bitcoin, and beneath beneath yesterday’s low. The ETC/BTC brace austere the aftermost beat low of 0.00113BTC to barter as low as 0.00111BTC. The brace faced sellers during the accretion yesterday, and declined. The attack to breach yesterday’s accent bearish trend band on the alternate blueprint of ETC/BTC (data augment via Simplefx) failed. As a result, there was a downside move.

The brace is already afresh authoritative an attack to actual higher, but it is acceptable to face sellers abreast the aforementioned trend band and resistance. Moreover, the new low’s 23.6% Fib retracement akin of the bead from the 0.00128BTC aerial to 0.00111BTC low may additionally act as a attrition forth with the trend line. On the downside, the abutting important abutment is at 0.00100BTC, area there is a adventitious of the ETC buyers demography a stand.

Ethereum Classic Price Technical Analysis

If at all the buyers administer to advance the amount higher, the 100 alternate simple affective boilerplate may again appear into the picture. It forth with the 50% Fib retracement akin of the bead from the 0.00128BTC aerial to 0.00111BTC low may act as a resistance. Overall, the amount charcoal in a downtrend, and it may be actual difficult for the buyers to alpha a recovery.

Hourly MACD – The MACD backward in the bearish zone, and may abide to abide in it.

Hourly RSI – The RSI may attack to breach the 50 level, but could fail.

Major Support Level – 0.00111BTC

Major Resistance Level – 0.00118BTC


Charts address – SimpleFX