Ethereum Price TA 03/24/2024 – Buying Worked Perfectly!
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Ethereum Price TA 03/24/2024 – Buying Worked Perfectly!

THELOGICALINDIAN - Ethereum amount confused aback college but the upside was bound Can it actual lower already afresh Can we buy one added time

Ethereum Price – $11.00 Holds Key

Ethereum amount completed a alteration appearance about the $11.00 abutment breadth afresh and our trade formed perfectly. This anniversary I appropriate that affairs dips may be a acceptable abstraction in ETH adjoin the USD. The aforementioned did wonders, as the amount confused college appear the $12.50 area. About the declared level, there was a attrition trend band on the alternate blueprint (data augment via Kraken), which adjourned any added gains.

The amount is currently affective aback lower and branch appear the 38.2% Fib retracement akin of the aftermost leg from the $9.50 low to $12.48 high. The declared fib akin may accommodate abutment to ETHUSD in the abbreviate term. However, the best important abutment breadth on the downside is about the 100 simple affective boilerplate (hourly, abstracts augment via Kraken), as it is additionally ancillary with the 50% Fib retracement akin of the aftermost leg from the $9.50 low to $12.48 high.

Ethereum Price Technical Analysis

If the amount moves bottomward further, again the 100 SMA may act as a above barrier for the bears, as it is positioned about $11.00. A breach beneath the aforementioned ability alarm for added losses in the abbreviate term. So, we can accede a baby buy abreast 100 SMA with bound stop. And, if it break it we can alike accede a advertise trade.

Hourly MACD – The MACD is in the bearish area, calling for added losses.

Hourly RSI – The RSI is beneath the 50 level, which is a bearish sign.

Intraday Support Level – $11.20

Intraday Resistance Level – $12.20


Charts address of Kraken via Trading View