ETH Price Tech Analysis for 08/01/2024 – Watch out for this Pullback!
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ETH Price Tech Analysis for 08/01/2024 – Watch out for this Pullback!

THELOGICALINDIAN - Ethereum Price Key Highlights

Ethereum amount ability be accessible to resume its bead to its antecedent lows or abundant lower afterwards acclimation to an breadth of interest.

Technical Indicators Signals

The 100 SMA is authoritative a bottomward crossover from the longer-term 200 SMA, signaling that the aisle of atomic attrition is to the downside. These affective averages are abreast the 61.8% Fibonacci retracement level, which ability act as the band in the beach for any pullback setups.

A breach aloft the 61.8% Fib or the 0.00217 breadth ability be abundant to appearance that an uptrend is in order, potentially demography ethereum amount aback up to the ambit attrition at 0.00230 or higher.

Stochastic is affective up, which agency that buyers are still in ascendancy of ethereum amount activity for the time being, but is advancing the overbought area. Once the oscillator alcove 80.0 and turns lower, affairs burden could resume.

Meanwhile, RSI is on average arena and on the move up, hinting that buyers aren’t accessible to accord up aloof yet. In that case, a beyond alteration to the 61.8% Fib or the affective averages about 0.00220 ability be possible.

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Upside Bitcoin Pressure

Bitcoin amount has been on a breach lately, breaking aloft a previous triangle alliance pattern and putting downside burden on ethereum price. Other agenda currencies are additionally addled from the risk-off bazaar ambiance these days, as the banal bazaar slump has beat investors from loading up on higher-yielding assets.

In turn, traders accept been advancing added abiding backing such as the U.S. dollar and Japanese yen. In the cryptocurrencies arena, bitcoin has been the best adopted one amid the bunch, which suggests that added declines ability be apparent in ethereum amount if the accepted bazaar affect persists.

With that, ethereum amount ability alike breach beneath the antecedent lows of 0.00205 and go on to analysis the above cerebral abutment at 0.00200. Stronger bearish drive could booty it bottomward to the abutting breadth of absorption at 0.00190 again to 0.00180.

ethereum price, ethereum trading, ethereum abstruse analysis

Zooming aback abundant added shows that ethereum amount is absolutely testing an ascendance triangle abutment and ability be due for a animation to the resistance. Depending on how banking bazaar contest for the abutting few canicule plays out, a assemblage aback to the top or a breach beneath the ascent trend band abutment could be seen.

Intraday abutment akin – 0.00205

Intraday attrition akin – 0.00215

Technical Indicators Settings:

Charts from Kraken, address of TradingView