F2Pool Controls Over Half of the Litecoin Network’s Hashrate
cryptocurrency news

F2Pool Controls Over Half of the Litecoin Network’s Hashrate

THELOGICALINDIAN - Something is amiss with the Litecoin hashrate distributionTo be added specific F2Pool currently controls 524 of the absolute mining hashrate Earlier today that cardinal was afterpiece to 56 It is cryptic what is accident absolutely although it seems the bearings will be rectified anon It looks as if addition directed a lot of ASIC mining ability to this basin over the accomplished few days

F2Pool is Over the 51% Hashrate Threshold

It is never acceptable to see a mining basin ascendancy over bisected of the arrangement hashrate. This would finer acquiesce F2Pool to booty ascendancy of the Litecoin network, if they were absorbed to do so. That does not arise to be the case, though. It is still a bearings that needs to be addressed eventually rather than later. Having one basin ascendancy the majority of hashrate never bodes able-bodied if things are not apparent quickly.

Luckily, it appears Charlie Lee is on the case already. It is cryptic what will be done to backslide this ascendant position, though. The hashrate of F2Pool is bottomward slowly, but it will booty time to get it beneath 50%. The basin has consistently been one of the better Litecoin mining pools, though. This abrupt advance is both abrupt and aberrant in the Litecoin ecosystem. It is acceptable to see there is no awful absorbed to booty over the Litecoin ecosystem, though.

It is accessible the contempo amount admission of Litecoin admiring a lot of new miners. Even admitting the LTC amount is a bit collapsed these accomplished few weeks, it is still a assisting cryptocurrency to mine. That is, bold one has admission to both able accouterments and bargain electricity. Until we apperceive who is amenable for this abrupt change in arrangement hashrate, all one can do is speculate. It is axiomatic addition feels mining Litecoin is the account their while appropriate now.

If all things go according to plan, this botheration should be apparent in a few hours from now. There is no approaching blackmail to the arrangement appropriate now, though, so no one should agitation either. F2Pool is accepting a added accepted than anticipated, but the affair will be bound with ease. Issues like these may appear from time to time, though. It is acceptable to see F2Pool and Charlie Lee booty activity to accomplish abiding this amount is bound quickly. The Litecoin arrangement is in acceptable hands, that abundant is evident.