An Interview with Alexander Shishow, CEO of NVB
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An Interview with Alexander Shishow, CEO of NVB

THELOGICALINDIAN - Native Video Box is on its way to change the way bodies host and allotment videos The belvedere referred to as NVB in abbreviate is leveraging the blockchain technology to actualize a holistic budgetary ecosystem for video agreeable industry In adjustment to accretion a bigger compassionate of the belvedere we batten to Alexander Shishow the CEO of NVB

NewsBTC: NVB, sounds like a abundant concept. Can you amuse let us apperceive how it is altered from the already absolute video administration platforms?

Alexander: If we attending at YouTube or its competitors like Vimeo or DailyMotion for instance, we will acquisition out that any accurate video, best of them, can be anchored to third affair webpage. Of course, they run ads afore content, but usually that ‘third-party web page’ does not get any announcement revenue. NVB aims at alteration every aspect in this game. We accept accordant videos automatically and allotment announcement revenues amid ‘third-party webpage’ and video agreeable creators.

NewsBTC: Can you explain what absolutely do you beggarly back you say NVB is a decentralized platform?

Alexander: We bear videos on the web pages, so there was a moment back we advised application third-party video agreeable commitment networks. But it’s absolutely expensive. So, we absitively to actualize decentralised agreeable commitment network, maintained by the community. Being the allotment of our video billow storage, publishers can host videos and acquire some added money from it.

NewsBTC: How does NVB plan to body its community?

Alexander: With NVB any video creator, alike inexperienced, can instantly accretion cartage for the video and get paid for it. It’s a different befalling on the bazaar appropriate now.

NewsBTC: Would you like to accord a abrupt overview of the belvedere to our readers?

Alexander: Sure. From publisher’s angle NVB is a accoutrement that can be calmly installed on a website. It’s a accoutrement that shows videos to the admirers and provides arranged monetization solution.

From advertisers’ perspective, it’s a video agreeable analysis belvedere that provides different and high-quality instream video account with the cellophane tokenized economy.

NewsBTC: Are you planning for any tie-ups or partnerships? Anything in abode already?

Alexander: Yes, aboriginal of all we accept already aggregate some announcement appeal providers (BetweenX, Dynovid and Vispot). We additionally accept commitments with startups (Adhive, for instance) and some video agreeable aggregators and video bloggers. Publishers and networks are additionally welcome. Unfortunately, I can’t acknowledge added for now – break acquainted for updates on our website!

NewsBTC: How abundant are you planning to accession during the ICO? What will the funds be acclimated for?

Alexander: We are planning to accession 15M USD during our ICO, but we additionally will be agreeable with a abate sum (e.g. 3M USD). This will beggarly a slower clip of development for us, but still it won’t anticipate us from extensive our goals!

NewsBTC: Tell us about your team

Alexander: Native Video Box brings calm a dream-team of accomplished professionals from AdTech, association management, and blockchain.

For instance, Petr Kozyakov, NVB IR Director is a Strategic Partnerships able with 10 years of acquaintance in cyberbanking and finances. Andrey Smirnov is a apparatus acquirements and bogus intelligence pro with 10 years of experience. Among our admiral is Julian Zegelman, consecutive administrator and angel investor, whose antecedent acknowledged ICOs accommodate Starta ICO, Suretly,, Blackmoon Crypto, Cindicator, and ParagonCoin.

NewsBTC: Anything abroad you would like our readers to apperceive about NVB?

Alexander: Our mission is to accompany amount to all ecosystem participants, from user to advertiser. We accept reinvented agreeable discovery: we bear bodies videos they will love, but never knew existed.

Native Video Box aims at alteration the bold for all bazaar players. While alms cellophane acquirement share, we will action artifice with advice of multi-tier blockchain. We allure anybody to accompany us in creating the approaching of advertising, which you can do by purchasing NVB tokens, agreement your video agreeable on our arrangement or installing our accoutrement on your websites.