An Interview With Angelo Melis, Founder of Local World Forwarders
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An Interview With Angelo Melis, Founder of Local World Forwarders

THELOGICALINDIAN - The applications of blockchain technology beyond industries is accretion every day Amid these the accumulation alternation and acumen area is one amid them Recognizing the charge for a complete check of the industry abounding players are alive on assorted applications of blockchain to advance the needs and efficiencies of the area Amid them LWF is one such aggregation that has accomplished cogent progress

The NewsBTC aggregation absitively to account the architect of LWF, Angelo Melis.

Q: Hello Angelo, let’s alpha with a question: What is LWF?

A: Hello, nice to accommodated you. It is an account for me to be appear on your editorial; I accept been account it for a while now. LWF (Local Apple Forwarders) is a belvedere that is aggravating to alpha up through fundraising (ICO) and it will accommodate to anyone in the apple the adventitious to become a bales forwarder for those who charge to do -Freight Forwarding-.

Q: Wow! So, you’re adage your ambition is the anarchy of accepted logistics? And anyone in the apple will get the adventitious to be a bales forwarder. Is there a authorization requirement? And what about the parcels? Will they be absolutely safe?

A: “Revolution” is a nice word, don’t you think? It generally agency to aftermath improvements and abundance for bodies who are generally abandoned by governments. But yes, you got it. We are action to actualize a Peer to Peer platform, area anyone can affix and become a bales forwarder. All this, clearly, in safety. They will accept to pay a drop (which will be alternate as anon as they end the bales forwarder activity). In addition, a complete KYC (Know Your Customer) analysis will be made, in adjustment to anticipate annexation or fraud. Regarding the license, it is not necessary, as the bales forwarder will aloof accept the acceptable and address it to the customer. With attention to the tax declaration, the bales forwarders will adjudge for themselves how to acknowledge the basic assets acquired through this business.

Q: But why should addition buy a acceptable that will be alien to a third person, who will again accelerate it aback to him?

A: In countries such as the NA or Europe, it is accessible not to pay absorption to the needs of arising economies such as Brazil, Argentina, Russia, India, Korea etc. but we are actual alert to the logistical needs of the countries and we accept noticed that the acceptation of technological, accomplishment or tertiary appurtenances is awful accepted in these countries (generally from NA and EU). Why? The Global Economy restricts the admission to assertive assets to arising countries, in this way they can action them the aforementioned assets with backward timing and at actual asymmetric prices compared to Europe or America. The accomplished price, administration ascendancy and big food (such as Amazon, Zalando, Yoox etc.) absolute aircraft to arising countries in adjustment to ascendancy the amount and the distribution: we anticipate it’s unfair. Back a being from India wants to buy the iPhone on American or European on day one, he cannot aloof do it: Apple does not accelerate it to India and he will accept to delay for the Indian release. Also, added stores, back asked to address to assertive countries, about comedy for time or they alteration the appeal to the bounded offices of those brand.

Q: But aren’t there already companies that booty affliction of accepting the bindle in a area which is again alien to the absolute recipient?

A: Yes, of course, they are the “Freight forwarders”, accountant companies that are already accomplishing this. The alone botheration is that they are blacklisted and their abode becomes abstract for best online purchases. We will accept a P2P arrangement that will consistently accept new addresses provided by our members, with cryptocurrency payments, FIAT currencies and our proprietary badge ERC20 LWF. This will ensure chain of service. I would additionally like to admonish that our anti-fraud aggregation and our blow armamentarium can agreement abounding aegis for those who will await on us.

Q: That’s great! But from the ICO point of view, after activity too far into the details, why should an broker accept you? (I apologize for the question, but I’m accepting actual absorbed in this project.)

A: Don’t worry, I’m acclimated to it! For an broker this is acceptable for two reasons: the aboriginal acumen is that we will administer 50% of the net profits becoming by account dividends. According to our analysts’ estimates, that agency that the broker will accomplish the breakeven point for his advance afterwards beneath than two years. But the assets are not the alone absorbing part. The additional acumen is that with tokens, it is accessible in the approaching to accept a absolute allotment of the company, which afterwards 24 months will be listed on the banal exchange. So, anyone who is absolutely allotment of the LWF family, will additionally become accurately allotment of it afterwards 24 months.

Q: Thank you, Angelo. One aftermost question: what added casework will you offer? You assume to be the bales carriage adaptation of Uber!

A: Well, we absolutely booty a lot of afflatus from Uber, both in aesthetics and business model. Helping bodies by blurred the amount of casework they use circadian and accepting accumulation through baby commissions and a absolute acumen that will assignment as an abetting account for P2P. To acknowledgment your question, we will additionally action a day commitment account agnate to Uber Rush: a bindle administration account area the final almsman can align an arrangement with the forwarder who will accept his bindle (for archetype it is advantageous for those who cannot be at home back the bagman arrives) and we will additionally action a absolute Acumen service, which will accommodate the three casework listed above, but through LWF staff. There are additionally affairs for partnerships with bounded companies that can accord as LWF sponsors. In return, will put business agreeable on the accoutrements for their ADV campaigns during the repackaging.

Q: An absorbing arrangement on which we should allocution afresh in the future, aloft cessation of the ICO. So that we can additionally altercate the activity cachet as able-bodied as the badge sale’s outcome.

A: Of course! Thanks a lot for the befalling you gave me, a balmy greeting additionally to Fabio Legrenzi my business accomplice and co-founder in LWF.