ISIL Militants France Terrorist attacks Had Bitcoin 3 Million Dollars
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ISIL Militants France Terrorist attacks Had Bitcoin 3 Million Dollars

THELOGICALINDIAN - Yesterday we were all crestfallen by the account of the agitator advance on France At atomic 87 were dead at the Bataclan concert anteroom 18 at Boulevard de Charonne 14 at Rue Alibert and bristles at Rue de la Fontaine au Roi

Ghost Security Group is an anti-terrorism accumulation of ethical hackers who are continuing in the advanced curve of the agenda war adjoin ISIL. Ghost Security Accumulation started allegory an astronomic bulk of data, in an attack to clue the attackers of France attacks.

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Luckily, I managed to account one of the guys at Ghost Security Group and asked him a few questions about ISIL, Bitcoin and yesterday’s attacks.

(Note: we won’t acknowledge his name to assure his character adjoin any accessible castigating reactions by ISIL).

In appearance of yesterday’s agitator attacks on France, did Ghost Security Group apprehension any aberrant action from ISIL’s cadre that you are tracking? Were there any alarming signals?

Yes, we did ascertain several indicators of an advance approaching and are currently in the action of accession admired affirmation for United States government officials. I cannot go into added detail at the moment on accepted investigations.

A lot of people, and I am one of them, anticipate that ISIL are abundantly application Bitcoin for allotment their operations. Did you anytime administer to clue bitcoin addresses accompanying to ISIL? If they are mainly in Syria and Iraq, how do they banknote their bitcoins?

The Islamic State does use cryptocurrencies as a anatomy of assets to armamentarium their advancing operations and we accept managed to bare several Bitcoin addresses acclimated by them. One of the accounts we analyzed was begin to accommodate 3 actor U.S. dollars account of Bitcoins. More on that adventure can be begin actuality at

Did you anytime administer to drudge and shut bottomward websites that accession bitcoins for ISIL?

Most of the Bitcoin allotment sites activated by the Islamic State are on the abysmal web and we accept managed to bare several and auspiciously shut them bottomward in adjustment to absolute the allotment extremists accept through the use of cryptocurrencies.

4- Is there any affirmation that ISIL are application cryptocurrencies added than BTC to accession money? Do they accept bitcoin farms for mining?

Most of the affirmation we accept apparent appropriately far indicates that BtC is their prime anatomy of cryptocurrency. It is currently

unknown if they accept the adequacy to abundance Bitcoin but they do accept donations on a approved basis.

5- How can Ghost Security Group advice France clue the abyss who advised and accomplished this massacre?

Anyone can abetment us by advertisement any tips they may accept to We are additionally a nonprofit alignment whom are cocky adjourned by our staff. Individuals absorbed in acceptable us financially are welcomed, so we can acquirement abundant bare added computer accessories to action the Islamic State with can accord via Bitcoin at the afterward address.


6- If addition would appetite to advance to advice you guys, how can he/she do that?

Reporting any apprehensive action to assists us abundantly through crowdsourcing abstracts in adjustment to ascertain new threats.

1- The Guardian. Paris attacks: day afterwards atrociousness – as it happened. 14th of November, 2024.

2- DW. Bitcoin: Islamic State Online Currency Venture