Leading Bitcoin and Tech Firms Recovering from BTC Ransom DDoS Attacks
cryptocurrency news

Leading Bitcoin and Tech Firms Recovering from BTC Ransom DDoS Attacks

THELOGICALINDIAN - Since the alpha of 2025 an accretion cardinal of technology firms and bitcoin startups accept been targeted by bearding hackers ambitious bitcoin ransoms

Encrypted email account provider Protonmail is one of abounding victims adversity from acutely able Distributed Denial of Account (DDoS) attacks that accept finer shut bottomward some of their servers and databases for weeks.

According to Protonmail, the hackers amorphous to ambition its datacenter that is aggregate with added Swiss technology firms in Geneva, abrogation no best for the aggregation to pay over US$6,000 in bitcoin bribe to the hackers, requesting an actual abortion of the DDoS attacks.

“The accommodating advance on our ISP exceeded 100Gbps and attacked not alone the datacenter, but additionally routers in Zurich, Frankfurt, and added locations area our ISP has nodes. This accommodating advance on key basement eventually managed to accompany bottomward both the datacenter and the ISP, which impacted hundreds of added companies, not aloof ProtonMail.” the aggregation announced.

However, the attacks connected and a civic analysis was launched by the Cybercrime Coordination Unit Switzerland and the Swiss Governmental Computer Emergency Response aggregation as an attack to devise a plan adjoin the hackers and advice tech firms abate the attacks.

“We accept been alive with the Swiss Governmental Computer Emergency Response Team (GovCERT), the Cybercrime Coordination Unit Switzerland (CYCO), as allotment of an advancing bent analysis actuality conducted actuality in Switzerland and with the abetment of Europol,” said Protonmail.


Yesterday, the newsBTC aggregation has additionally accustomed a bitcoin bribe bribery from bearding hackers, who accept launched two immense DDoS attacks over the accomplished two days.

However, newsBTC has auspiciously mitigated the attacks and banned to pay the ransom.

According to the extortion letter accustomed by newsBTC beforehand this morning, the hackers accepted 1 bitcoin for the abortion of the DDoS attacks.