Matic Network Positions Itself as the Go-To Platform for Gaming dApps
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Matic Network Positions Itself as the Go-To Platform for Gaming dApps

THELOGICALINDIAN - Activity on the Matic Network has gone into overdrive of backward The activity afresh accomplished Phase 1 of its mainnet barrage by abacus thirdparty staking validators into the mix The account of alien validators accessible so far includes Infosys Chain Guardians Biconomy and Torus

list of staking validators on the Matic network

The close afresh tweeted that an added 25 alien validators will appear on lath during Phase 2.

As able-bodied as that, Matic afresh completed Deployment Week. This refers to the acknowledge of bristles dApps over a bristles day period. The onboarded dApps were 0xUniverse, Blocklords, 0xRacers, BlockchainCutie, and 0xWarriors.

In a recent blog post, the close set out its action to address to the accepted accessible through the development of gaming dApps.

“Blockchain gaming is evolving at an absorbing amount and gaming is set to become a above onboarding access to blockchain for the masses in the advancing years, but the development of high-performance basement is analytical if we are to see this appear to fruition.”

Matic Targets Gamers as a Strategy to Mass Adoption

Despite the synergy amid blockchain and gaming, Matic still recognizes that blockchain gaming is abounding with issues.

Slow transaction times and aerial transaction fees all culminate in poor user acquaintance for gamers.

Having developed its platform, Matic says they accept addressed these apropos to aftermath a “seamless blockchain gaming experience.”

Examples of how they accept accomplished this accommodate near-instant block confirmations, 1/1000th the fees of the Ethereum mainchain, abstruse abutment for developers, bland clearing for absolute Ethereum dApps, admission to developer’s tools, and banking abutment programs.

However, they were additionally agog to accent that dApps, added than gaming, additionally allure the aforementioned akin of support. In particular, DeFi protocols.

Nonetheless, some experts say that gaming will be the aboriginal “real” use case for blockchain adoption.

Blockchain Is Poised to Revolutionize Gaming

According to analysis conducted by Toptal Research, gaming may able-bodied be the angled point for accumulation acceptance of blockchain technology.

Researchers acclaimed that gaming and blockchain already accept abounding commonalities, primarily, the accustomization of gamers to basic currency.

“Games acquired and alloyed with the internet: Now, in-game gold and items can be purchased with real-life (fiat) currency.”

From a developer’s point of view, blockchain could additionally potentially break abounding of the issues they face. This includes acceding users abiding buying of in-game items, which in about-face deals with the botheration of hacking and affected in-game assets.

But Josh Chapman, a Managing Partner of Konvoy Ventures, said blockchain technology by itself is not a draw for the boilerplate consumer.

“I anticipate in the approaching of blockchain, consumers will never apperceive they’re alike application it. This is agnate to how I, as a consumer, don’t apperceive that there are bristles intermediaries back I accelerate a wire transfer.”

As such, Matic should focus on architecture the abutting Fortnite on blockchain, rather than absolutely announcement blockchain gaming.

Matic circadian chart