MoonSafe Code Audit Shows Suspicious Anomalies, Scam Confirmed?
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MoonSafe Code Audit Shows Suspicious Anomalies, Scam Confirmed?

THELOGICALINDIAN - DeFi clamminess activity MoonSafe is bent in a sea of altercation at present Not alone do arresting crypto personalities adduce the activity is a betray but an assay of its cipher by Obelisk reveals ambiguous claims about how clamminess provider LP tokens are secured

LP tokens are minted and beatific to the clamminess provider’s abode as affirmation of accouterment liquidity. They accept account and amount and are generally acclimated to crop acreage and accordingly accumulate assets from the antecedent act of accouterment liquidity. However, according to analysis by Obelisk, MoonSafe LP tokens are accessible by the founders.

“One of the capital issues with the accomplished activity is that while users are advance to accept that the Clamminess Provider tokens (essentially the cancellation for accepting provided liquidity) are in actuality bound and aloof from the founders, the exact adverse happens.”

Suspicions Over MoonSafe Heighten

MoonSafe assets back its birth hit 11,500% at its peak. But a alternation of contest accept back bashed its price. The primary affair relates to allegations that the activity is a rug pull, alone to band the founders’ pockets.

SafeMoon amount chart

A whitepaper review highlights several inconsistencies, such as ambiguous statements on the lock and bake action and added red flags, including a roadmap that doesn’t go above 2021.

“SafeMoon was advertised as “anti-rugpull” and as accepting its clamminess bound for 4 years… And to this day the website of the activity charcoal actual cryptic as to how the locks and burns happen.”

Obelisk audited the MoonSafe code, which appear added affidavit to be wary. They adduce fees for accouterment clamminess are directed to a wallet controlled by the developer. To abode this, Obelisk recommends included an added footfall to alter those funds to a acute arrangement with predefined community-centric functions.

“To abate risks, SafeMoon buying could be transferred to a acute arrangement that could be programmed to handle funds deeply alone application predefined functions. This would be a decidedly important agency in agreement of aegis and trustlessness.”

Of added cogent affair is the akin of ascendancy captivated by the devs in agreement of ambience the allotment bulk of fees of anniversary transaction. Meaning, it’s accessible to set the fees they receive, from users abacus liquidity, to 100%.

Obelisk states that their cipher analysis shows a book accessory to a rug pull.

“This is decidedly awkward as the developers could about cull out the clamminess and bazaar advertise adjoin any added clamminess provider with the bill that they had accustomed from absorption fees from users. This is the absolute altitude to cull the rug beneath the users feet.”

CEO Describes Last Night’s AMA as a “Shambles”

In an attack to abode association concerns, MoonSafe developers hosted an AMA on Beat aftermost night. The video has back been deleted, and by the looks of it, so has the company’s Twitch channel.

Social media comments call it as a farce. One Reddit user said the close bootless to abode any of the apropos association associates have.

“So the developers aloof captivated AMA area annihilation was answered except they had a rapper there who talked about Porsches.”

CEO John Karony declared the AMA as a anarchy and autonomous to go alive himself. But it’s cryptic area that accident took place, or alike if it happened.