Neo & Bee — Is the ‘Bee’ Back with the Honey?
cryptocurrency news

Neo & Bee — Is the ‘Bee’ Back with the Honey?

THELOGICALINDIAN - Neo Bee was a Cyprusbased bitcoin startup alms bitcoin accumulation and acquittal processing casework Founded by Danny Brewster who additionally served as the CEO Neo Bee had an appointment in Nicosia and was targeting the European bazaar with its bitcoin casework The aggregation went apprehension in mid2024 afterward the dematerialization of Danny Brewster forth with best of the funds acceptance to the investors who bought the companys shares from three exchanges including Havelock Investments

The aggregation had allegedly aloft over 9000 BTC, all of it unaccounted for. Since his dematerialization by the end of March 2014, he has approved to argue investors that he played no allotment in the annihilation of their funds on assorted platforms including Reddit and Bitcoin Talk, afterwards which he was boilerplate to be apparent or heard from. Suddenly this new year, Danny Brewster has fabricated an actualization on Twitter, with what sounds like renewed activity and optimism. He claims that the tables are turning, which is absolutely cryptic for abounding Cypriots as able-bodied and others who are still cat-and-mouse for Danny Brewster to pay what is due to them.

It is not aloof the investors, alike abounding ex-employees of Neo & Bee still accept their salaries due. Danny in one of the tweets claims that the investors will anon be accepting their money back, and he will assuredly set the almanac beeline afterwards over a year and bisected of bamboozlement and hiding. On Danny Brewster’s cheep thread, one of the ‘Twitter peeps’ activity by the Cheep handle @M0rgUK asks about a Bentley he bought and alien to the UK. It is cryptic whether he was apropos to a contempo acquirement (as we accept not managed to lay our easily on any such records) or the one Danny acclimated to own in Cyprus afore he did a ‘Houdini’ on everyone.

danny tweet

While Danny has been alms casuistic statements apropos the fate of funds, it has been adamantine to aught in on the absolute facts abaft its dematerialization so far. However, we do achievement that whatever Danny Brewster has afresh claimed on Twitter to be accurate and the investors in Neo & Bee do get their money back. We absolutely achievement that it was ‘Neo’ who was amenable for corruption of funds and Bee’ will set it appropriate at atomic this year. After all, no one knows who Neo is!