Poll Shows Crypto Investors Expect ChainLink To Be Top Performing Altcoin in 2024
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Poll Shows Crypto Investors Expect ChainLink To Be Top Performing Altcoin in 2024

THELOGICALINDIAN - The altcoin accepted as Chainlink had a arch year aftermost year in 2024 outperforming the blow of the absolute crypto bazaar by a advanced allowance while abounding added assets fell to new lows

However, according to a new poll, crypto investors at ample apprehend the altcoin to be a top-performing asset already afresh this year. Will lightning bang alert for altcoin accepted as Chainlink?

Chainlink Tops Poll, Expected To Be Top Performing Crypto in 2024

With 2019 now in the rearview mirror, in hindsight, we can see which assets were the top performers beyond the crypto market. While exchange-based account tokens bedeviled the best ROI from cryptocurrencies in 2019, one accurate altcoin – Chainlink – topped all added crypto assets, including Bitcoin.

Chainlink bankrupt out the year with about a 500% acknowledgment on investment. Bitcoin, for comparison, alone concluded the year at almost a 100% return.

Related Reading | Chainlink, Exchange-Related Tokens Dominate Crypto ROI Last Year

That trend is accepted to continue, as a new poll allurement crypto investors which altcoins they apprehend to be top performers in 2024 accept been bedeviled by the altcoin Chainlink.

Although a dozen or so altcoins are listed by name in a Twitter poll, four capital choices can be called to vote, including Chainlink, Basic Attention Token, Binance Coin, and Cardano. Why these four altcoins were called is anyone’s guess, however, they are amid the best able and absorbed bill beyond the crypto market.

Chainlink captured the aggregate of the votes with over 70% of respondents assured addition arch year for the altcoin project. Basic Attention Token, the account badge powering the Brave browser and new internet economy, took aloof 10% of the vote. Cardano was in additional with 12% of respondent’s votes, while Binance Coin was in the aftermost abode capturing alone 5% of the absolute votes.

Binance Coin actuality lower than Basic Attention Token or Cardano is surprising, as Binance Coin was yet addition one of crypto’s top performers of 2024, abundant like Chainlink that took the top atom on the poll.

Before LINK Is Ready For Liftoff, Beware of Further Downside First

If Chainlink has addition year like 2024, it could actual able-bodied acquisition itself in the top ten cryptocurrencies by bazaar cap alongside Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Ripple, and added mainstay crypto projects, bringing it invaluable added afterimage and acquaintance for new investors.

chainlink link/usd advertise td9

Only time will acquaint if Chainlink has addition able assuming year this year, but for now, the crypto asset may see some downside as the Tom Demark TD9 Sequential has triggered a advertise arresting on LINK/USD circadian amount charts.

Related Reading | These Five Altcoins Crushed Bitcoin’s 2019 Returns

However, accustomed the bullish affect surrounding Chainlink, any downside is acceptable to be brief and the altcoin will assemblage already again.