The Altcoin Evolution – Part IV: The Challenges – The Sales Pitch
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The Altcoin Evolution – Part IV: The Challenges – The Sales Pitch

THELOGICALINDIAN - With the everchanging mural of tech development and crypto addition adjustment tends to lag abaft in adjustment to accept time to acknowledge to whats accident Many altcoin projects are currently growing exponentially as they are exploring abundantly clear use cases As the tech continues to breed and aggrandize added and added problems are arising that crave solutions


This acutely provides added amplitude for applicable contenders to absorb in a awash market. This provides a able-bodied advance altercation for abounding altcoins, but there is a catch. The behemothic advance assets are fantastic, but we additionally charge accede that ample accumulated banks do not tend to acknowledge absolutely to any challenges to their ascendancy of the banking industry. The Federal Reserve and added federal government bodies absolutely accept an eye accessible to the anarchy as well. Ripple (XRP) is a prime archetype of this, as the activity has been experiencing advancing back-and-forth chat with the SEC for some time now, all while still sitting in the top 10 of badge bazaar caps.

The Altcoin Evolution: The Lay Of The Land

At this point, it’s rather difficult to adumbrate the aisle of these contingencies. Regulation is consistently a few accomplish behind, but it is a certainty. Despite these hurdles, which are extensive and consistently evolving, every activity charge accept advance objectives. As we accept with accomplished publications of “Altcoin Evolution”, we will abide to attending at the actualization of projects impacting creators, such as those involving NFTs, as prime examples of how difficult these challenges can be for altcoins. 


In our aftermost two “Altcoin Evolution” articles, we took a bird’s eye appearance on the challenges, implications, and accent of factors like use case and accessibility. Now, we’ll booty a aerial akin attending at the accent of altcoins accepting a sales pitch. In a apple area constraints about business and afterimage are ever-present, leveraging the above use case and accessibility assets for projects is basic in “selling” how corresponding projects angle out.

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Setting The Stage

As mentioned in the antecedent abundance of “Altcoin Evolution”, the assumption at OnlyFans attempted to rebrand themselves as a non-pornographic site, in adjustment to added adjust themselves with the ethics of banks that do business with them. At the time of writing, there has been such a huge backfire that the aggregation has been affected to abolish the proposed changes, afterwards accepting assurances that the banks will “support all genres of creators”. 


This cyclone account adventure is a absolute archetype of how different agenda currencies can instantly accept a account from area there was none. What projects can booty advantage of these opportunities, and accept the ‘stickiness’ of a sales angle that can bell with crypto consumers?


2021 has been a booming year for altcoins. At the alpha of the year, bitcoin fabricated up about 70% of the crypto market. By July, that cardinal was bottomward to about 48%, according to TradingView. There are over 10,000 altcoins all allusive for a allotment of this growing market. 

Whether a activity is a meme token, a DeFi appliance tool, or an NFT platform, one affair charcoal constant: accretion accessibility and allegorical consumers about all-over activity appliance will be ascendant in selling a activity to abeyant investors or users.

Break Down The Buckets

We see altcoins best sales pitches accustomed about one (or sometimes multiple) numbers of these buckets:


These are the above buckets that crypto projects can angular on to advance chat with consumers. How they go about overextension that chat has generally above bottomward to architecture association – which is why Discord and Telegram accept become so arresting for crypto users. 


That wraps up “Altcoin Evolution” with commendations to challenges for arising altcoins. In our final chapter abutting week, we will blanket up the alternation with a summarizing allotment that recaps aggregate we’ve covered so far, and answers the simple question… what should altcoins be accomplishing in today’s market?


Thanks for endlessly by – we’ll see you abutting week.

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