White Hat Hackers Could Have Crashed Ethereum Classic
cryptocurrency news

White Hat Hackers Could Have Crashed Ethereum Classic

THELOGICALINDIAN - There seems to be some abashing apropos the white hat hackers who allegedly acquired the 7 actor ETC from The DAO aggressor Whereas best bodies were beneath the consequence this funds would be alternate to DAO badge holders the absoluteness is actual altered Several of the affairs were beatific to Kraken and Poloniex addresses There is no official account as to why this accommodation was fabricated or what it alike agency

Keeping 7 actor Ethereum Classic coins is not an accessible task. Even if The DAO aggressor had managed to accretion ascendancy over the funds, there is no cogent what could accept happened. But as it turns out, self-professed white hat hackers are not accurate either. Particularly not back no one knows who is authoritative the money appropriate now.

One Reddit user pointed out how the aboriginal 7m ETC transaction was breach into abate transfers. A 500k ETC alteration was beatific to what is believed to be a Kraken wallet address. Additionally, 250k ETC was confused to what appears to be a Poloniex wallet address. For now, it charcoal cryptic whether either barter accustomed that funds, and if so, what has happened to it.

Granted, there was a actual aciculate Ethereum Classic amount dip bygone and beforehand this morning. It is not absurd the funds transferred to these exchanges were sold, but that’s adamantine to prove appropriate now. What we do know, however, is how the Ethereum Classic amount has been convalescent absolutely able-bodied and continues its advancement drive for now.

All of this comes on the heels of the self-professed white hat hackers stating how “the funds are secure”. While this may announce he or she holds the funds, that does not beggarly they are defended by any means. Otherwise, the money would not accept been transferred to either exchange, if that is absolutely what has happened.

In the end, these abeyant apropos over abolition the Ethereum Classic amount were baffled by a able association and bodies who feel this activity is account supporting. That does not beggarly this accomplished affliction should be ignored, though, as it is still accessible a sell-off will happen. Then again, active in abhorrence is not what cryptocurrency is all about either.

Source: Reddit

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