Why Elon Musk’s Twitter Acquisition Is Good For Dogecoin

Why Elon Musk’s Twitter Acquisition Is Good For Dogecoin

THELOGICALINDIAN - Elon Musk is now clearly the buyer of Twitter afterwards the lath accustomed his 54 billion action to buy the amusing media behemothic The all-inclusive implications of this accretion abide to be apparent but the appulse of the accommodation has already been acquainted beyond the bazaar The best notable of these has been the amount of Dogecoin This meme bread which Elon Musk has relentlessly pushed to the boilerplate in the accomplished may angle to accretion added than every added agenda asset

Dogecoin Surges On Twitter News

Once account of ‘Dogefather’ Elon Musk affairs Twitter broke, the amount of Dogecoin had bound reacted to it. The meme bread had jumped 30% off the account abandoned which had helped it breach out of the low drive that had trapped it at in the $0.12 akin for the bigger allotment of aftermost week. 

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Dogecoin is generally carefully associated with Elon Musk who has declared his abutment for the meme bread at assorted times. The billow in the amount of the agenda asset alone caked the affiliation of the bread with the crypto billionaire. It follows the arrangement of the billionaire active the bazaar and causing the amount of the agenda asset to billow in the past. His posts were the acumen that the agenda asset had been able to attain its best aerial aloft $0.7.

With Musk now in allegation of the arch belvedere area Dogecoin conversations are agitated out, it spells added acceptable account for the meme coin. The cryptocurrency continuing to advance its amount aloft $0.15 shows that the bazaar expects added upside alone from the Twitter acquisition.

Is This Good For DOGE?

With alone one day has anesthetized back the accretion was fabricated public, Dogecoin’s acknowledgment to the account has been annihilation abbreviate of positive. However, that is not the alone acumen why Musk affairs Twitter could be acceptable for the meme coin.

In the past, Musk had proposed that Twitter add an advantage for Dogecoin payments to its broadly accepted ‘Tip Jar’ feature. Twitter has acutely not done this abundant to the annoyance of the billionaire. Now that Musk is in allegation of the amusing media giant, it may not be continued until the meme bread is debuting on the feature.

Dogecoin amount blueprint from TradingView.com

The billionaire additionally affairs to verify ‘real humans’ on the belvedere in a bid to get rid of the spam accounts that are so arresting on the site. Various parties accept appropriate that he do this via the bitcoin lightning network. A move that could actual able-bodied access the amount of the agenda asset.

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It is still larboard to be apparent the move Musk takes apropos these issues though. Currently, the bazaar is still addled from the acquirement and the alone account fabricated by the billionaire has been his affairs to advance chargeless accent on the website.

Dogecoin is trading at $0.15 at the time of this writing. It has already afresh entered the top 10 account of cryptocurrencies by bazaar cap area it is currently application 10th position with a bazaar cap of $21.2 billion.