How Bitcoin Could Have Prevented the Creation of the Death Star

How Bitcoin Could Have Prevented the Creation of the Death Star

THELOGICALINDIAN - The absolution of Star Wars Episode VII The Force Awakens has brought the cultural abnormality which is Star Wars aback to the beginning of everyones minds Particularly with the admittance of the aboriginal trilogys capital characters Luke Skywalker Princess Leia and Han Solo in the new blur admirers are examination the aboriginal leash afresh in alertness for watching The Force Awakens Of advance one of the capital characters from those films is not a animal or alike an conflicting but the ultimate ability in the cosmos the Death Star absolutely Death Stars back two were created Although the movies dont absolutely abode the affair exploring the economics abaft the Death Star makes an absorbing anticipation agreement How did the Empire pay for it The alone accessible acknowledgment is that the Death Star was the best massive government aegis arrangement in galactic history However if Bitcoin had been the galactic bill in Star Wars could the architecture of the Death Star and the accident it acquired accept been prevented

Also read: Why Bitcoin Can Become The New Global Currency

It has been estimated that the two Death Stars appropriate a amazing 675 quintillion Imperial Credits (assuming a accepted conversion ratio of 1 Credit=.62 USD) to construct. The alone way any government – absolute or fantasy – could allow such a arrangement would be through apart budgetary policy, i.e., accretion the accumulation of Imperialstar wars Credits to aberrant levels. This accuracy exposes one of the key flaws of the Old Republic: it additionally acclimated a authorization currency, in adjustment to beforehand its own (admittedly added benign) agenda. After all, the Imperial Credit was aloof the assiduity of the Republic Credit, which existed afore the acceleration of Emperor Palpatine. If Bitcoin had been the bread of the Old Republic, conceivably the Empire would accept not conquered, congenital the Death Star, and addled abhorrence in the hearts of millions of citizens throughout the galaxy.

Welfare Spending by the Old Republic Lays the Groundwork

Historically, every government-issued bill has been abused by those in ability for one of two affidavit – abundance (to accumulate bodies abased on those in power) and warfare (to extend the ability of those in power). Although best bodies attending affectionately at thstar warse Old Republic, it charge accept spent huge sums on accessible works projects, such as the burghal planet Coruscant and the budget of the Jedis. As with all massive spending projects, these would accept appropriate the conception of added and added authorization Credits to advance the cachet quo. In any universe, such all-inclusive accessible works programs accomplish best citizens conceited and codicillary on the government. As a result, citizens of the Republic offered little attrition back an angry baton such as Palpatine rose to power.

Welfare Spending Becomes Warfare Spending Under Palpatine

The enactment of the Empire meant that the focus of government spending confused from accessible works to warfare. Growing armies of clones adeptness be fast and inexpensive, but they still accept to be fed and housed. So how did Palpatine pay for all of this? The Empire charge accept had to access up its money-printing anon afterwards Palpatine’s acceleration to power, dwarfing bill conception during the Old Republic (see chart). The aliment of massive numbers of Stormtroopers, the barbarous administering of the extensive Empire, and best abnormally the conception of the Death Star appropriate all-inclusive expenditures. Something like Bitcoin would accept been abomination to Palpatine; he knew that his affairs would never appear to accomplishment if he couldn’t control the currency. His adeptness to actualize money on a whim would acquiesce him to apply adeptness atrociously for decades.

Bitcoin Starves the Imperial Beast

Clearly, if the Old Republic had accepted Bitcoin, the citizenry would accept been beneath abased on the government dole, and there would accept been no bright aisle for the acceleration of the Empire and the conception of the Death Star. With a controlled money supply, government projects – whether Republic or Imperial – would not accept become so far-reaching. Without the centuries-old apparatus for artlessly creating Credits out of attenuate air, there would accept been no acceleration of Palpatine, no Death Stars, and conceivably alike no charge for those “Guardians of Peace and Justice,” the Jedis, interfering in everyone’s lives (and bearing such accumulation murderers as Darth Vader). When you shut off the money-creation bung for those in power, you end up giving ability to everyone. Conceivably in The Force Awakens or addition sequel, we’ll see the New Republic wising up and all-embracing a decentralized cryptocurrency like Bitcoin as the galactic currency.

What do you think? Would the Old Republic’s embrace of Bitcoin accept prevented the acceleration of Palpatine and the architecture of the Death Star? Let us apperceive in the comments below!

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