Nigerian Vice President Says Current Naira Exchange Rate 'Artificially Low'

Nigerian Vice President Says Current Naira Exchange Rate 'Artificially Low'

THELOGICALINDIAN - Nigerian Vice President Yemi Osinbajo afresh warned that the countrys official naira barter amount of N411 for every dollar is artificially low This barter amount according to Osinbajo discourages adopted barter access into the country

Naira Exchange Rate Must Reflect Realities of Market

Consequently, Vice President Osinbajo says he wants the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) to acquiesce the naira to “reflect the realities of the market.” As a report by The Cable details, Osinbajo additionally wants the CBN to amend its adopted barter administration strategy. He explained:

Still, Osinbajo appropriate that any such analysis should alone be done back the CBN governor has time to abode this issue.

Naira Depreciation

Since the aboriginal bisected of 2024, the naira has continuously attenuated adjoin above currencies like the U.S. dollar and the British pound. At the time of writing, the official naira to USD barter amount stands at aloof over 411 for every dollar. This barter amount is about 40% lower than the alongside bazaar amount of 570 naira for every dollar.

Despite this alterity amid the official amount and the atramentous bazaar barter amount for the naira, the CBN has so far banned to cheapen the currency. Instead, the axial coffer has gone afterwards individuals and companies that are accused of fueling the naira’s slide.

In the meantime, Osinbajo warned the CBN adjoin meddling with the budgetary allotment of the economy. However, should the charge for such action arise, the CBN should alone act back it has “the abounding cooperation and accord of the admiral of industry,” Osinbajo stipulated.

Do you accede with the Vice President’s naira sentiments? Tell us what you anticipate in the comments area below.

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