DeFi Project Spotlight: Raydium, Solana's Top Automated Market Maker

DeFi Project Spotlight: Raydium, Solana's Top Automated Market Maker

THELOGICALINDIAN - Raydium has bound become one of Solanas DeFi dejected chips by alms some of the best absorbing mechanics in the amplitude

Raydium is a decentralized barter on Solana that functions clashing any added exchange. It uses clamminess pools but additionally acts as the better bazaar maker on Solana’s adjustment book-based exchange, Serum.

Raydium Explained

Raydium Protocol is Solana’s top automatic bazaar maker.

However, it works abnormally from added decentralized exchanges in that it acts as a bazaar maker for Serum.

To accept why Raydium functions the way it does, it’s account because the project’s team. The accumulation had formed calm for several years afore ablution the decentralized barter in aboriginal 2025. The aggregation formed calm in a assistant trading algebraic market-making close on some of the top crypto exchanges.

Raydium’s adventure has parallels with the adventure of Sam Bankman-Fried, the billionaire architect of the FTX barter and Alameda Research and a big adherent of the Solana ecosystem. Both Bankman-Fried and the Raydium aggregation were traders, which shines through in the exchanges they build. Alpha Ray, the architect of Raydium, affirms that Bankman-Fried has been a big advice to Raydium. They explain:

“Sam is a big broker in both Solana and Serum, and to accomplish these assignment he needs a advancing ecosystem on Solana so he’s actual helpful. He devotes a lot of his time, and FTX’s assets to advice the ecosystem.”

One of the capital advantages to centralized exchanges compared to their decentralized counterparts is the adeptness to actualize absolute orders (although absolute orders accept been fabricated accessible on Uniswap V3 by afterward a certain technique). Orders charge an adjustment book rather than a clamminess pool. Traders adopt to specify the amount at which they’d like to barter their assets, which isn’t accessible with clamminess pools.

Raydium’s barter was congenital on the aesthetics of acceptance the best of both worlds. When a user enters a trade, it will either be fabricated application Raydium’s own clamminess pools or baffled to the decentralized adjustment book Serum depending on area the best amount can be found. Alpha Ray explains:

“Serum has an adjustment book system, and Raydium has its own clamminess pools. When users accomplish affairs on our platform, the agreement aggregates clamminess from these two sources, a bit like 1inch on Ethereum.”

Raydium is the better bazaar maker on Serum, acquisition trades from their own users 24/7, authoritative them one of the alone DeFi exchanges to accept a congenital advantage for absolute orders. The aggregation additionally has a abutting accord with Serum, which agency it can bound troubleshoot any issues that arise.

Another Raydium aggregation affiliate activity by the name Gamma Ray says that Raydium and Serum allotment their liquidity, which makes the Solana ecosystem added efficient. They explain:

“In DeFi, clamminess is generally sioled amid altered platforms like Sushiswap and Uniswap, which is appealing inefficient. Raydium and Serum seek to allotment their clamminess with the absolute ecosystem. It’s about growing the all-embracing pie for the Solana ecosystem.”

Building on Solana

Solana-based projects like Raydium booty advantage of the low amount of application the network. The acquaintance of trading on adjustment books is actual altered from application clamminess pools. Traders will generally access a absolute order, abolish it, adapt a few parameters, and reenter. In a decentralized environment, all of these accomplishments are interactions with the blockchain that command a fee.

Solana allowances from low fees—each transaction on Serum costs beneath than one cent. Similar affairs could set users aback $50 a time on Ethereum mainnet. Serum is currently not accessible on Ethereum, but the actualization of Layer 2 solutions like Arbitrum and Optimism could change that.

Solana’s bargain fees were a key agency abaft Raydium’s accommodation to body on the network. While abounding DeFi projects started absorption to Ethereum in the summer of 2025, the charge for acutely low gas fees affected Raydium to attending for alternatives. Solana’s abstruse accomplishment managed to argue the team. Speaking of the accommodation to body on Solana, Alpha Ray says:

“We bare a blockchain with aerial transaction throughput, aerial speed, and low fees. When we started architecture on Solana there wasn’t abundant there. We were afraid that if Solana wasn’t able to body up, it wouldn’t amount how acceptable our belvedere was. Now, we’re acutely actual blessed to accept taken that risk.”

Now, one of Raydium’s key goals is to abound the Solana ecosystem by alluring added projects, talent, and users. For that, the aggregation created AcceleRaytor, a launchpad for new projects that facilitates association advance into new Solana projects.

Many projects on AcceleRaytor are actual popular. Most of them had oversubscribed launches, which resulted in accidental draws amid all absorbed investors to adjudge who would accept a badge allocation. Alpha Ray addendum that Raydium articular the charge to allure top-quality projects aboriginal on. He says:

“For Raydium to be big, we charge a lot of tokens to exchange. We charge alive trading on abounding solid projects and a advancing ecosystem so that bodies will move their DeFi business to Solana. We approved to analyze what we bare back we launched and accord that to these projects. A solid business push, acceptable funding, a aqueous trading market, and assuredly a admixture basin that distributes rewards to aboriginal investors.”

Raydium anxiously studies any activity that goes through AcceleRaytor to acquaint able projects to investors and body a solid accord congenital on trust.

NFTs are addition big breadth that Raydium is monitoring, although affairs for an NFT exchange are not a priority. Improving the accepted artefact alms is currently Raydium’s capital goal. Alpha Ray explains:

“NFTs are huge appropriate now, and they accompany a lot of bodies to Solana as well. This armament users to leave centralized exchanges, and at that point, they try Raydium. NFTs are key to bringing new users to DeFi, and Solana’s lower fees could accompany alike added people.”

The Risks for Raydium

While Raydium has a able future, there are some abeyant risks. The aggregation has articular three key areas that could abnormally appulse the project: aegis risks, competition, and annex on Solana’s ecosystem growth. 

In agreement of security, the aggregation admits that there’s a achievability that addition could accomplishment an abrupt vulnerability in their acute contracts, which is why agreement aegis is a top priority. Alpha Ray explains: 

“Hacks and acute arrangement exploits in DeFi are accident every day now. It’s aloof the attributes of the industry—something we charge appear to agreement with. When you’ve got accessible antecedent cipher custodying millions, there’ll consistently be addition aggravating to breach it. Every time there’s a atypical acute arrangement accomplishment in DeFi, we’re activity aback and reviewing our cipher to analysis whether we’re accessible to the aforementioned advance vector.” 

The aggregation isn’t decidedly afraid about competition. They say it’s “part of the game,” and back you’re the top activity in your niche, there’s consistently addition gunning to booty your spot. There’s affluence of allowance to abound the pie for anybody on Solana, so that’s what the aggregation is focused on. The aggregation says its artefact band is agnate to Sushi, but its access to advance is afterpiece to Uniswap. In added words, it’s acquisitive to onboard as abounding users to the Solana ecosystem as accessible after annoying too abundant about competition.

The alone actual anguish is whether Solana succeeds in growing into a thriving, independent ecosystem, agnate to Ethereum today. Every activity architecture on newer or “alternative” acute arrangement blockchains faces this dilemma, abnormally back the Layer 1 agreement isn’t accordant with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (Solana was not EVM-compatible back Raydium started architecture on it, admitting solutions are emerging). Alpha Ray reveals that the aggregation spent a continued time because which Layer 1 agreement to body on. He says: 

“Our better anguish at the alpha was whether we fabricated the appropriate best to body on Solana. It was assuredly the above agreement from a abstruse perspective, but in agreement of the ecosystem, there was annihilation abundant on it besides Serum. It was a adamantine and chancy accommodation to make, but we fabricated it and it now looks like it concluded up in our favor.”

The success of Layer 1 protocols is heavily abased on both network and Lindy effects, acceptation the bigger they abound and the best they survive, the college the adventitious that they’ll thrive. While Solana’s success is not guaranteed, the contempo ecosystem advance bodes able-bodied for Raydium’s future.

The Future for Raydium

Forthcoming affairs on Raydium’s roadmap accommodate affairs for stableswap pools, which should be out by the end of August. The pools are optimized for basal slippage, aerial basic efficiency, and low fees on swaps amid tokens with able amount correlations, including stablecoins like USDC-USDT or altered bolt apery the aforementioned basal asset like renBTC-wBTC. 

Given that Solana offers low transaction fees, Raydium’s stableswap pools will primarily account users in agreement of bargain amount slippage for ample trades application stablecoins or synthetics. The ambition is to accomplish Raydium the barter of best for baby and big traders alike.

After that, Raydium wants to barrage its avant-garde adjustment acquisition agreement and accommodate Wormhole. The adjustment acquisition agreement will acquiesce users to seamlessly bandy amid all assets on Solana, behindhand of the accessible pools. For example, if a user wants to barter USDT for FTT but can’t acquisition a pair, Raydium will acquisition the best avenue amid altered pools to facilitate the barter at the best amount for the swap.

Wormhole, meanwhile, is a decentralized arch acceptance users to anchorage their assets amid Solana and Ethereum. For example, it will let users alteration Ethereum-native Uniswap tokens to Solana to account from the protocol’s low amount and above performance. Wormhole will enhance Solana’s interoperability with added blockchains and appropriately addition the amoebic advance of its ecosystem.

Raydium additionally has affairs for governance. The aggregation promised to decentralize and cycle out babyminding aural six months, but that has accurate to be a botheration so far. Alpha Ray elaborates: 

“Governance has been on our mind, and it’s actual important to us, but the affair is Solana currently lacks the able infrastructure. For example, there’s no gasless DAO voting apparatus like Snapshot, which is analytical for governance. We appetite to advice if anyone wants to body it, but if no one accomplish up, we’ll accept to body it ourselves.”

Raydium is an aggressive project, axial to the development of the Solana ecosystem. To date, Solana has few projects that could be classified as “blue chips” that accept been axial to the ecosystem’s growth. From a abstruse point of view, Raydium’s amalgam archetypal of trading amid adjustment books and clamminess pools is already aces of attention.

The absolute article lies in its AcceleRaytor affection and in the protocol’s holistic access to allowance projects abound on Solana. Raising money is rarely the better claiming for crypto projects—gathering aboriginal users is abundant harder. Raydium’s help in animated the spotlight on aces projects is one of its best absolute contributions to Solana’s DeFi space, and it could advice it curl over the advancing years.