Tendermint CEO Peng Zhong Reveals the Future of Cosmos

Tendermint CEO Peng Zhong Reveals the Future of Cosmos

THELOGICALINDIAN - Peng Zhong who leads the development aggregation at Tendermint discusses what lies advanced for Cosmos

Crypto Briefing catches up with Tendermint CEO Peng Zhong, who oversees the amount development aggregation that congenital the analytical apparatus of the Cosmos blockchain.

Insights on the Cosmos Ecosystem

While Ethereum is currently the world’s best acclimated blockchain, its widely-documented scalability issues accept helped added networks billow in contempo months. Cosmos is one of the networks to accept apparent added acceptance and bazaar value. Its ecosystem has additionally apparent accelerated advance over the aftermost few months.

Cosmos is a fast-growing arrangement that describes itself as “the Internet of blockchains.” It is arguably one of the best developed blockchains abreast from Ethereum, currently accepting added than $177 billion account of agenda assets.

The project’s roadmap dates aback to 2024, continued afore best added arch blockchains on the bazaar today had launched. It was developed by the software architects Jae Kwon and Ethan Buchman. Their abstraction was to accredit the alteration of assets and advice amid blockchains that are abandoned from one other.

Kwon and Buchman were the two founders of Tendermint, the amount aggregation amenable for developing the software architectonics for what they declared as an Internet of interoperable, application-specific blockchains. Over the abutting few years, Tendermint wrote the analytical systems for the Cosmos network. They included the Cosmos accord agent Tendermint Amount and the software development kit (SDK), a framework for architecture application-specific blockchains.

In 2019, Tendermint launched their interoperable blockchain on mainnet alive alongside a host of top contributors, including Althea, ChainSafe, Informal Systems, Interchain, Iqlusion, IRIS, Regen, and Sikka. However, it wasn’t until two years after that the arrangement started to apprehend its ambition of accomplishing cross-chain interoperability. In March 2021, Cosmos launched its better amend to date: Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC).

With IBC, Cosmos is accomplishing its eyes of actuality “the Internet of blockchains” by acceptance cross-chain communication. Thanks to IBC, blockchains like Terra, Kava, THORChain, Juno, and Secret Network, which all use the Cosmos SDK, can deeply barter tokens and abstracts with one another.

To date, Cosmos has chip 22 abstracted blockchains, with abounding added planned in the advancing months. As the activity expands its ecosystem of cross-chain interoperable networks, Tendermint continues to comedy a key role in the project’s development. One of Tendermint’s key abstracts is the Chief Executive Officer Peng Zhong. Crypto Briefing sat bottomward with Zhong to apprentice added about the fast-expanding Cosmos ecosystem its above developments on the horizon.

Crypto Briefing: What accept been the best notable developments in the Cosmos arrangement to date? 

Peng Zhong: We accept been architecture the Cosmos arrangement for a continued time. The whitepaper was appear in 2016, and development started the afterward year. However, the Cosmos Hub didn’t barrage until 2019, and I would say that action did not aces up until the barrage of the IBC agreement on the Cosmos Hub in March 2021. A few months later, there are now 18 projects that abutment the IBC protocol, the latest actuality Terra. These are all projects with tens to hundreds of millions of dollars anchored on their corresponding blockchains. After IBC, assets from all these chains can breeze beyond anniversary added seamlessly. Many added projects will be amalgam IBC in the abutting few months. That should bifold the bulk of IBC-connected blockchains from 18 to over 40.

CB: Given that so abounding contributors accept appear advanced in the aftermost few years, what is the Tendermint’s specific role in the Cosmos ecosystem?

PZ: We do aggregate from base-level basement to architecture consumer-end applications for accustomed use. You can analyze us to Consensys, one of the better companies in Ethereum, which additionally does all sorts of things for the blockchain. We advance engineering teams for some of the best able dApps architecture on Cosmos like Gravity DEX, Emeris, and Starport.  In accession to our amount architecture strengths, we are absorption on business efforts. We are aggravating to accompany as abounding developers as accessible to the Cosmos ecosystem.

CB: Now that Terra has enabled IBC, what affectionate of synergy goes on amid the arrangement and Cosmos?

PZ: Terra’s contempo affiliation of IBC has accustomed Cosmos users to transact with Terra. In return, Terra dApps can use assets from a broader Cosmos ecosystem. You can go to Gravity DEX or Osmosis to barter ATOM for LUNA or bandy Cosmos tokens for UST abiding coins. It’s a abundant way for Terra to access new users. The user abject of Terra can use Cosmos basement like wallets and so on.

CB: Binance and Crypto.com accept both created their own Tendermint-based blockchains. How is Cosmos amalgam with these all-embracing crypto exchanges?

PZ: Binance runs a ample blockchain congenital on the Cosmos SDK. It’s valuable, broadly acclimated and hosts BNB, one of the top crypto assets, forth with hundreds of added assets. But Binance does their own thing. We would adulation them to advancement the Binance Chain to abutment IBC. This would acquiesce BNB to alpha abounding through Cosmos or Terra. But they accept their priorities at play. As far as Crypto.com goes, they are heavily invested. Their barter badge Crypto.com bread is IBC-enabled and accessible with a Gravity DEX or Osmosis to trade. They are additionally developing their own EVM-compatible Cosmos blockchain alleged Cronos.

CB: Are there affairs to apparatus the Inter-Blockchain advice (IBC) agreement alfresco Cosmos?

Peng Zhong: The development of IBC has consistently targeted blockchain agnosticism. For now, IBC accomplishing is meant for Cosmos SDK-based blockchains. But there are efforts to arrange IBC amid Cosmos and Polkadot chains, amid Cosmos and Avalanche chains, as able-bodied as amalgam the agreement on Solana. It will absolutely be acute for added networks to admission the amount of all the added chains affiliated with IBC, which agency tens of billions of dollars of liquidity.

CB: What are some of the best notable Cosmos-based projects Tendermint has incubated?

PZ: Some of our best important projects accommodate Gravity DEX and Emeris—the aboriginal cross-chain badge alteration interface for Cosmos. Gravity is agnate to Uniswap. As a clamminess provider, you drop two tokens and acquire bandy fees. Gravity V2, which is currently in development, will accept assorted badge pools, absolute adjustment features, and an interface that will affectation adjustment books. The aggregation has additionally planned a agriculture bore to acquire added yield. Emeris is addition important ecosystem component. Emeris is advised to be the aperture to the Cosmos ecosystem and enables end-users to collaborate with Cosmos. The belvedere aggregates the assorted Cosmos dApps in one place.

CB: As Osmosis is currently the arch decentralized barter on Cosmos, how would you analyze it to the Gravity DEX? 

PZ: The Gravity DEX is anchored by added than $10 billion on the Cosmos Hub, admitting Osmosis is anchored by beneath than that—as abundant as ten times less. Everything on the Cosmos Hub goes through accurate testing and audits as there is so abundant amount at stake. Upgrades and new appearance booty a continued time. Gravity DEX was launched after agriculture incentives or multi-token pools. These appearance will alone appear into comedy against the end of the year. As Osmosis can move faster, it already supports these features. But its aegis is arguably lower than the Cosmos Hub. There is advantageous antagonism amid the two, but they are not targeting the aforementioned market. They both do altered things.

CB: One of the best notable developments of the year has been the NFT boom. What’s accident in the NFT alcove on Cosmos?

PZ: There are abounding advancing efforts back it comes to NFTs on Cosmos. There are NFTs on Terra, on Juno Project as able-bodied as abounding added blockchains on the network. There’s alike a blockchain committed to NFTs. It’s alleged Pylons and was incubated at Tendermint. While it is still heavily in development, Pylons is accepted to be the built-in NFT agent for Cosmos. The dApp about allows you to alpha architecture NFT marketplaces after acute programming skills.