Doug Miller of KeepKey Bitcoin Wallet on SegWit and New Features
emerging markets

Doug Miller of KeepKey Bitcoin Wallet on SegWit and New Features

THELOGICALINDIAN - KeepKey is one of the top Bitcoin Hardware Wallets in the industry appropriate now I afresh had the befalling to accept a handson acquaintance with one as able-bodied as allege to Doug Miller of KeepKey KeepKey is a actual solidlybuilt wallet with a ample actual accessible to apprehend awning A lot of absorption to detail has been done both with the Bitcoin Wallet and the app

Disclosure: KeepKey provided KeepKey wallet to review.

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KeepKey MainThe KeepKey ships in a compress captivated box with tamper-evident stickers on it.  This added bit helps allay the anguish that your accessory could accept been tampered with en-route. The KeepKey comes with a USB cable, a agenda to address your berry on, a sleeve for your berry card, and a basal “getting started” guide.

Setup is actual simple with a airing through audience on Both their app and firmware are accessible source, so you can abridge and install yourself or customize.  They additionally use the Trezor antecedent code, and as they accompaniment it is “market proven.” This arrangement of appearance and aegis should absolutely accord the user accord of mind.

When the KeepKey aboriginal debuted, it was $249 USD, which was abrupt for abounding users. KeepKey afresh alone the amount to $99 to acquiesce added bodies admission to the wallet. This step, forth with connected assignment on all the altered genitalia of their ecosystem from accouterments to software and beyond, makes it a acceptable buy.

The KeepKey aggregation never lets up either. They are consistently alive to advance their articles and accomplish chump needs.  Doug Miller the arch of Business Development went over some to them with us.

Scott Fargo (SF):  Could you acquaint me what are some of the accepted updates and projects you are alive on for KeepKey?

KeepKey ScreenDoug Miller:  We accept gotten a lot of requests about how to use KeepKey with a adaptable device. We anticipate (for security) it is a actual bad convenance to backpack about your accouterments wallet back your out and about. Anyone who see’s it knows anon you accept abundant funds to accreditation a accouterments aegis device. I acquaint people: “Just because you can put a actor dollars account of bitcoin in your pocket, doesn’t beggarly you should”. That said, we accept appear up with a absolutely glossy way to accomplish KeepKey mobile, after accepting to tote a accouterments wallet about with you. This new affection will be appear actual soon.

SF: People accept asked if you are activity to accept Ethereum abutment that is accessible to setup, is that abutting or done now?

DM:  We get this catechism a lot. Right now, it is not one of our priorities. That doesn’t beggarly it won’t happen, though, aloof not acceptable in the abutting few months.

Bitcoin Block Size: KeepKey is Ready for Any BIP

SF: How has the blocksize altercation afflicted any of your approaching moves?

KeepKey Secure Tamper Evident StickerDM:  It hasn’t afflicted any of our affairs added than us authoritative abiding that whatever does happen, KeepKey will still be alive for our end customers.

SF: Will SegWit beggarly any changes to how the KeepKey wallet works and will it be difficult on your end to implement?

DM:  The changes appropriate will be basal to accomplish KeepKey abutment SegWit. And back it does, it will advance the device’s performance.

SF: What key appearance do you feel sets KeepKey afar from the competition?

DM:  There are 4 capital things a accouterments wallet should do: accomplish clandestine keys, abundance them securely, assurance transactions, and accessory accretion incase it is lost. On anniversary of these 4 things, KeepKey is the best secure. It is additionally the easiest to use: alike a bitcoin amateur can assure their wealth.

We additionally accept some of the best chump account in the industry. Call us during business hours and you can absolutely allege with someone. We additionally accept a 30-day money aback guarantee, and 2 year warranty.  We accept a absolutely abundant associate arrangement and re-seller program. Anyone that is absorbed should acquaintance us at [email protected].

We accept launched into over 10 countries and accepting added partnerships with both baby companies and Enterprise Corporations, our belvedere we are architecture out is activity to advice abounding individuals and Corporations with the Blockchain Technology, we are excited.

KeepKey Seed CardThank you, Doug, for your time. As you can see, KeepKey not alone is a solid unit; it additionally has an accomplished aggregation abaft it consistently attractive advanced to the future. Different uses, users and changes to the Bitcoin agreement taken into account.

The things I like about the KeepKey are the affluence of use and absolutely congenital casing. But what absolutely shines is the absolute ample and ablaze screen. Even bodies who accept a adamantine time account book or charge bifocals will accept no issues. I would like to see a case for the absolute assemblage itself, though. The case and awning are absolute tough, but if you accept to move it about generally or accept it stashed in a sub-optimal environment, a careful case would be a help.  Overall, this is addition abundant Bitcoin wallet in the industry. Their adamantine assignment in authoritative this simple and able wallet anyone can use and feel defended with has paid off in aces.

What are your thoughts on the KeepKey Bitcoin wallet? Do you own one?

Image Sources address of, KeepKey.