Study: 77% of Saudis Aware of Cryptocurrencies, Only 18% Currently Buying and Selling
emerging markets

Study: 77% of Saudis Aware of Cryptocurrencies, Only 18% Currently Buying and Selling

THELOGICALINDIAN - More than threequarters of Saudi Arabian association are acquainted of cryptocurrencies a new Yougov analysis has begin However the abstraction additionally begin that alone 18 of those surveyed are anon affairs and affairs cryptocurrencies

Easy Accessibility of Virtual Coins

According to the allegation of a Yougov survey, about 77% of Saudi Arabian association are acquainted of cryptocurrencies, which suggests that the asset chic “has generated a fair bulk of awareness.” The abstraction data, on the added hand, shows that alone 18% of those surveyed accepted they are affairs and affairs cryptocurrencies.

As apparent in the abstraction data, while adolescent Saudis are currently assertive crypto trading in the kingdom, the allegation appearance that earlier Saudis additionally “plan to accord in it.”

Concerning the factors that actuate Saudi association to advance or barter cryptocurrencies, the abstraction begin that about bisected of the respondents adduce their accessibility. The report states:

According to the study, 43% of the respondents that already buy and advertise crypto assets point to the “high returns” on investments as the added key motivator. The abstraction addendum that “this aspect has a college address amid 45 adults as compared to the rest.”

Barriers Stopping Saudis From Investing in Crypto

About 38% of Saudi association that buy and advertise cryptocurrencies additionally adduce the charge “to alter my advance portfolio” as addition key motivator. About 13% of those advance in cryptos said they are accomplishing so because accompany or ancestors that benefited recommended it.

Meanwhile, the abstraction allegation advance that a cogent cardinal of Saudis — 37% of those surveyed — adduce the animation of cryptocurrencies as one of their top affidavit for not affairs in. Some 36% adduce their abridgement of acquaintance as a acumen for not advance in cryptocurrencies and 31% acquainted “it is not a acknowledged approach of investment.”

Only 15% of those surveyed anticipation advance in cryptocurrencies was adjoin their religion, while 13% said the assets affectation a cybersecurity risk.

What are your thoughts on this study’s findings? Tell us what you anticipate in the comments area below.

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