Study Finds South Koreans Aged 20-39 Mainly Invest up to $100 in Cryptocurrencies
emerging markets

Study Finds South Koreans Aged 20-39 Mainly Invest up to $100 in Cryptocurrencies

THELOGICALINDIAN - South Koreas crypto bang is a appellation that the bounded media has broadly adopted to accredit to the accepted advertising apparent beyond the Asian nation In actuality a contempo abstraction apparent a ascent trend in the cardinal of South Koreans authoritative smallscale crypto investments

New Crypto Investors Seem Unafraid of Strict Regulations

According to the “Virtual Currency App Market Analysis” analysis fabricated by big abstracts close IGA Works, quoted by Edaily, about 60% of the newest crypto investors in the country are age-old 20-30. Remarkably, such a articulation of traders generally prefers to admeasure “smaller amounts” of money into cryptos, accurately up to $100.

But the abstraction went added all-embracing and antiseptic that South Korean crypto investors age-old 20 through 30 are attractive for bitcoin (BTC) and “top 10-by-market-cap altcoins” investments.

A banker articular aloof as “Mr. A” claimed that he allocates about 100,000 Korean won ($88) every ages from his payday on BTC and such altcoins.

IGA Works says that the cardinal of account cryptocurrency app users beyond the three actor thresholds in February “for the aboriginal time.” That said, the close believes such a amount is a anniversary because fears of stricter regulations on calm exchanges are not blame abroad the investors.

Still, experts quoted by Edaily anticipate that such a trend of authoritative small-scale investments in cryptos is angry to the massive warnings on allocating money into cryptos.

Specifically, the ones who acquaint adjoin advance lots of money into cryptocurrencies “amid the aerial animation that balderdash bazaar has brought.”

South Korean Crypto Investors Transacted Over $7 Billion Just in Two Months

But the crypto agitation charcoal amid the South Koreans. As News reported in aboriginal March, calm crypto investors transacted with about $7 billion per day in the aeon alignment from January 1 to February 25, 2021. Also, abstracts claimed 42% of the boilerplate aggregate was traded on the KOSPI banal exchange.

The abstraction was aggregate by Kim Byeong-wook, a aldermanic affiliate of the Democratic Party, extracting abstracts from Bithumb, Upbit, Korbit, and Coinone, the best arresting bounded crypto exchanges.

What are your thoughts on the trend spotted in the study? Let us apperceive in the comments area below.

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