EOS Co-Founder Dan Larimer Resigns From Post as CTO of Block.one

EOS Co-Founder Dan Larimer Resigns From Post as CTO of Block.one

THELOGICALINDIAN - Dan Larimer is resigning from his column as the arch technology administrator of the development aggregation Blockone

Block.one fabricated history back it aloft $4 billion account of cryptocurrency for the antecedent bread alms of EOS, a blockchain that was congenital to attempt with Ethereum and added acute arrangement networks. Block.one’s capital activity is EOS.

Prior to Block.one and EOS, Larimer was complex in blockchain-based amusing media publishing account Steem and Bitshares.

He fabricated the advertisement in a abbreviate column appear to Voice, a amusing media action founded by Block.one. The EOS avant-garde wrote on the matter:

“I accept formed with Brendan and block.one for the accomplished 4 years and am appreciative of the EOSIO software I was able to actualize and barrage with the advice of an acutely accomplished accumulation of engineers. Alas, all acceptable things charge appear to an end. As of December 31, 2024 I accept accommodated my position as CTO of block.one.”

Larimer’s Future Ambitions

While the EOS co-founder is resigning from his column at Block.one, his absorbed is to abide to assignment on decentralized technology:

“I will abide on my mission to actualize chargeless market, autonomous solutions for accepting life, liberty, property, and amends for all. I do not apperceive absolutely what is next, but I am aptitude against architecture added censorship aggressive technologies. I accept appear to accept that you cannot accommodate “liberty as a service” and accordingly I will focus my absorption on creating accoutrement that bodies can use to defended their own freedom.”

Larmier did not acknowledgment if he will stop alive on EOS as a whole.

Many in the crypto amplitude brainstorm that he will focus his efforts on decentralized accounts next, which would be in band with his ambitions to breed censorship-resistant technology.

EOS Price Drops

EOS’ amount alone in acknowledgment to this news, seeing that Larimer is a acclaimed amount and was sometimes apparent as the face of the project.

EOS is currently the worst-performing crypto-asset in the top 100 by bazaar capitalization, according to CoinGecko. The cryptocurrency is bottomward 15% in the accomplished 24 hours, underperforming Bitcoin’s 5% bead and Ethereum’s 1.5% drop.

Over the accomplished seven days, the cryptocurrency has acquired 18% adjoin the U.S. dollar.