The Andy Milonakis NFT Show, EP. 8 – Regret, Profit And That Sweet Alpha

The Andy Milonakis NFT Show, EP. 8 – Regret, Profit And That Sweet Alpha

THELOGICALINDIAN - Tonight on The Andy Milonakis NFT Show On a whim our hero awash this M2 Mutant for 01 ETH In this adventure able-bodied accord with the after-effects of that accommodation Was this a publicity achievement of some array Not at all Milonakis affidavit to do so are the afterward I could accept gotten addition Baby Kongz or a attenuate Sup Ducks But I like accomplishing crazy sht sometimes it feels nice Experiences over money I will bethink this awe-inspiring brainless acquaintance added than I will the money that I lost

Related Reading | The Andy Milonakis NFT Show, EP. 1 – Our Hero Falls Down The Rabbit Hole

That makes sense. However, as the association told him, a bot apparently got his ancient offer. After some reflection, Milonakis beatific the apprentice this note:

Anyway, let’s accept to this show’s affair song as the credits roll.

Regret By Andy Milonakis

He absolutely did do it. This transaction will alive always in the blockchain.

The NFT association went adamantine on him at first. Example 1. Example 2. Example 3. Example 4. Hilariously, Milonakis responded with “Regret by Andy Milonakis. A alternation of 20 aboriginal photos.” He awash them all on the aforementioned day.

And he recorded this video bulletin to let his NFT holders apperceive that back he drops his “main series,” they’ll get a chargeless piece. This applies to anyone that bought the aboriginal hand-drawn NFT series, the Inedibles photos, and this Regret series.

Since Andy Milonakis is a built-in winner, the aftereffect of this accomplished achievement was a net absolute for him. He absent 6.18 ETH on the transaction and fabricated 6.44 ETH with the account series.

Random NFT News And Info

Moving on, Andy keeps arena with the NFT cine idea. What about this option?

Plus, on the beneficiary ancillary of things, he keeps advance and investigating.

He ends up accepting this one, from World Of Women

And the NFT apple assuredly collided with Milonakis’ absolute life

The acknowledgment to the catechism he asks is: Creature World.

To top it all off, our man gives you all the alpha you were cat-and-mouse for: The CyberKongz animosity association is area is at!… however, that project’s attic is currently a whopping 115 ETH.

ETHUSD amount blueprint for 10/13/2021 - TradingView

Let’s Dot The I’s And Cross The T’s With Some Old Stories

Remember that we told you that the Gutter Gang was accomplishing dogs and pigeons? Well, these are the ones Andy got:

And, bethink that Milonakis able a Gutter Gang Mint Pass in his Twitch stream? Well, this is the dog that the champ got:

Also, bethink that Andy is accepting NFT ability larboard and right? Well, he got a allotment for chargeless that is now account 5 ETH. This piece:

To accomplishment this recap, bethink that Andy was accepting an Anonymice boom if the activity doesn’t ability a 10 ETH attic by the end of the month? Well, they got there in a few days:

Profits And NFT Plans

There are no two means about it, our hero wants to be a allotment of the Bored Ape Yacht Club. He profited from the Cyberkongz babies, from the Bears Deluxe, from the Cryptoadz, and who knows from what else. What’s his plan? To cast some of them and get a BAYC.

Related Reading | Ethereum Founder Vitalik Buterin Reveals His Biggest Regret With The Project

And back you all adulation lists, actuality are Andy’s best assisting investments:

This adventure ends with a video. Andy can’t beddy-bye and so can’t you.

The NFT apple is aloof too exciting. It will accumulate you up all night.