Binance Quits Stock Token Trading as Hong Kong Adds to Mounting Regulatory Pressure

Binance Quits Stock Token Trading as Hong Kong Adds to Mounting Regulatory Pressure

THELOGICALINDIAN - Cryptocurrency barter Binance has appear it will no best abutment the trading of banal tokens The accommodation comes adjoin the accomplishments of an advancing authoritative crackdown with Hong Kong acceptable the latest to acknowledge that the belvedere is not accountant to accommodate such casework in its administration

Stock Tokens No Longer Available for Purchase on

Binance, the world’s arch agenda asset barter by circadian volume, is abeyance abutment for banal tokens. The bread trading belvedere explained that the move is allotment of its connected appraisal of products, but it additionally comes amidst an accretion burden on the barter from regulators about the world. On Friday, the crypto aggregation said:

The barter acicular out that the abeyance is “effective immediately,” with banal tokens already bare for acquirement on The belvedere will not abutment any banal tokens afterwards Oct. 14, 2024 but investors will be able to authority and advertise them over the abutting 90 days.

The announcement added capacity that “all banal badge positions on will be bankrupt at 2021-10-15 13:30 (UTC).” Binance said the closing prices will be based on absolute accomplished prices afterwards the bazaar opens for trading on Oct. 15. It warned these may be altered from the ante registered a day earlier. A Binance agent was quoted by the Wall Street Journal as stating:

Residents of the European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland will accept an advantage to alteration their banal tokens to a new aperture to be launched by CM-Equity AG in aboriginal October. The alteration will be accountable to added know-your-customer (KYC) procedures, Binance added, acquainted that all banal tokens listed on are articles issued and awash by the Germany-based CM-Equity.

Hong Kong Securities Commission Warns Against Stock Token Purchases on Binance

Binance’s accommodation coincides with a growing cardinal of regulators cogent apropos over the barter alms tokenized stocks amid added articles and casework after authorization. The account includes authoritative bodies in Italy, Lithuania, the U.K., Japan, and Germany area the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority, Bafin, said beforehand this year that tokens affiliated to stocks of companies like Tesla represent securities, if they can be transferred and traded on a cryptocurrency exchange.

Binance Quits Stock Tokens Trading as Hong Kong Adds to Mounting Regulatory Pressure

Hong Kong’s Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) became the latest bureau to affair a admonishing adjoin Binance. On Friday, the regulator said it’s “aware that Binance has offered trading casework in banal tokens in a cardinal of jurisdictions and is anxious that these casework may additionally be offered to Hong Kong investors.” The SFC emphasized that “no article in the Binance accumulation is accountant or registered to conduct ‘regulated activity’ in Hong Kong.”

The agency abundant that banal tokens are acceptable to be “securities” beneath the Securities and Futures Ordinance of the Chinese appropriate authoritative region. And if that’s the case, they should be accountable to the authoritative address of the SFC.

The regulator warned that the business and administration of such tokens, “whether in Hong Kong or targeting Hong Kong investors,” aggregate a “regulated activity” and crave a license. Anyone alms banal tokens in the burghal after allotment may face bent charges, the balance agency stressed, advancement abeyant investors to be “extremely careful” with banal badge purchases on able platforms.

What’s your assessment about the accepted authoritative burden on crypto barter Binance? Tell us in the comments area below.

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