Regulations Round-Up: 21-Year-Old Arrested, Coinbase Files for Patent

Regulations Round-Up: 21-Year-Old Arrested, Coinbase Files for Patent

THELOGICALINDIAN - In contempo account pertaining to cryptocurrency regulations Alibaba and Tencent are accommodating with Chinese authorities to adviser and anticipate peertopeer cryptocurrency trading via their corresponding adaptable payments platforms a 21yearold has been accusable for operating an actionable cryptocurrency barter and Coinbase has filed with the US Patent and Trademark Office for a apparatus advised to access the aegis of BTC transactions

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Alibaba and Tencent Collaborate With Chinese Authorities to Crack Down on Crypto Trading

Regulations Round-Up: China Monitors P2P Crypto Transactions, 21-Year-Old Indicted for Unlicensed ExchangeAnt Financial’s Alipay – the adaptable acquittal app endemic by multi-national e-commerce behemothic Alibaba – has appear that it is allied with Chinese authorities to analyze and able bottomward on peer-to-peer cryptocurrency trading.

A agent for Ant Financial stated: “Alipay has consistently adhered to the assumption of not accouterment casework to basic bill transactions. We will abide to carefully adviser over-the-counter trading activities on a circadian basis. Once we acquisition any apprehensive crypto-related transactions, we will booty adapted measures immediately, including but not bound to: abeyance of armamentarium alteration functionality of any Alipay accounts acclimated by companies for crypto-related transactions.”

On Friday, Tencent, the developers of amusing media and adaptable acquittal app Wechat, additionally announced that the aggregation would seek to able bottomward on the use of its Wechat Pay belvedere for the purposes of transmitting cryptocurrencies.

21-Year-Old Arrested for Running Unlicensed Exchange

Regulations Round-Up: China Monitors P2P Crypto Transactions, 21-Year-Old Indicted for Actionable ExchangeJacob Campos, a 21-year-old man from Mexico, is adverse 31 accuse in the United States for operating an actionable “no questions asked” BTC exchange.

According to his indictment, Mr. Campos “did knowingly, conduct, control, manage, supervise, absolute and own at atomic allotment of a money transmitting business affecting artery and adopted business which bootless to accede with the money transmitting business allotment requirement. […] From on or about January 2015 to on or about April 2016, aural the Southern District of California and elsewhere, actor Jacob Burrell Campos […] did advisedly and foolishly abort to develop, apparatus and advance an able anti-money bed-making program, including the development of centralized policies, procedures and controls, analytic advised to anticipate money bed-making and the costs of agitator activities, as allotment of a arrangement of actionable action involving added than $100,000 in a twelve-month period.”

The allegation adds that “From on or about December 2024, to on or about March 2024, […] actor Jaco Burrell Campos did combine, conspire, amalgamated and accede with others accepted and alien to the Grand Jury to accomplish an breach adjoin the United States, that is to anatomy and abetment in the alignment the access of budgetary instruments for the purpose of artifice the advertisement requirements of” U.S. regulations.

Prosecutors appraisal that Mr. Campos conducted 971 affairs on account of 900 altered customers. Mr. Campos is currently actuality captivated after bond as he awaits balloon and faces accuse of active an actionable money transmitting business, cabal to anatomy budgetary transactions, and declining to advance an anti-money bed-making program, in accession to 28 accuse of money laundering.

Coinbase Files for Mechanism Designed to Bolster Security of BTC Transactions

Regulations Round-Up: China Monitors P2P Crypto Transactions, 21-Year-Old Indicted for Unlicensed ExchangeEarlier this month, above U.S.-based cryptocurrency barter Coinbase filed with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office for a apparatus advised to access the aegis of BTC transactions.

The apparent filing asserts that “It may be a aegis affair for users that the clandestine keys of their Bitcoin addresses may be baseborn from their wallets. Existing systems do not accommodate a band-aid for advancement aegis over clandestine keys while still acceptance the users to analysis out on a merchant folio and authoritative payments application their wallets.”

The apparent seeks to acquiesce barter to encrypt their passphrases affairs into a “master key” to actualize an added band of aegis adjoin theft. With anniversary transaction, the adept key is deleted, with a new adept key actuality created for anniversary alone transaction. The filing states: “It may be a aegis affair for users that the clandestine keys of their Bitcoin addresses may be baseborn from their wallets. Existing systems do not accommodate a band-aid for advancement aegis over clandestine keys while still acceptance the users to analysis out on a merchant folio and authoritative payments application their wallets.”

What is your acknowledgment to Tencent and Alibaba’s efforts to action peer-to-peer trading on their adaptable payments platforms? Join the altercation in the comments area below!

Images address of Shutterstock

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