Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak on Crypto: Bitcoin Is 'Pure-Gold Mathematics'

Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak on Crypto: Bitcoin Is 'Pure-Gold Mathematics'

THELOGICALINDIAN - Apple cofounder Steve Wozniak says Bitcoin is the alone one thats puregold mathematics He is agnostic of best added cryptocurrencies In accession Wozniak is a fan of the metaverse but is beneath agog about nonfungible tokens NFTs

Apple’s Steve Wozniak Praises Bitcoin

Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak talked about cryptocurrency in an account with the Insider, appear aftermost week. He said:

Wozniak additionally acclaimed that some bodies buy cryptocurrencies because they are not acquainted of the abeyant windfalls. “Then they aloof fold,” he said.

While he’s a fan of the metaverse, he’s beneath agog about non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and cryptocurrencies, the advertisement conveyed. He said that for the best part, they are “so up in the air,” affirmation that they accept a clue almanac of actuality “rip-offs.”

Wozniak has had contiguous acquaintance aggressive crypto scams. In July 2020, he sued Youtube and Google for announcement bitcoin betrayal scams application his name and likeness. However, a adjudicator disqualified aftermost year that “Youtube and its parent, Google LLC, are adequate by the federal law that bouncer internet platforms from albatross for agreeable acquaint by users.”

Bitcoin betrayal schemes abide to betray investors on assorted amusing media platforms. Wozniak is not the alone one scammers like to feature. Tesla CEO Elon Musk, his aggregation Spacex, Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates, Apple CEO Tim Cook, Berkshire Hathaway’s Warren Buffett, and abounding added celebrities accept additionally been begin in affected crypto giveaways.

In February, the absoluteness TV alternation Unicorn Hunters, which Wozniak is complex in, alien its own cryptocurrency alleged unicoin. Unicorn Hunters appearance a accumulation of investors alleged the “Circle of Money” and entrepreneurs who angle their businesses in chase of advance funds. Wozniak is one of the board on the show.

Unicoin provides holders with assets and disinterestedness positions from the portfolio of startups that the appearance invests in. The Apple co-founder described:

Wozniak explained that unicoin is added bourgeois than best added cryptocurrencies because it is backed by able advance decisions. “A token’s cool on its own. It could alike be account zero,” Wozniak said. “I’m acquisitive unicoin’s actual successful, but at atomic it’s not based on zero, aloof based on words and talk. It’s absolutely based on the aftereffect of investments.”

Regarding bitcoin, the Apple co-founder said the cryptocurrency is:

This was not the aboriginal time Wozniak accepted Bitcoin. In July aftermost year, he said Bitcoin is a “mathematical miracle.” In October, he said that the better crypto is “mathematical purity.”

However, Wozniak is anxious that governments could abjure bitcoin and added cryptocurrencies. “The agitation is governments will never acquiesce it to be out of their control. If it got to the point area aggregate is actuality done in crypto and didn’t canyon through governments for ascertainment and taxation and all that, governments would aloof abjure it. They wouldn’t accord up their power,” he warned.

What do you anticipate about Steve Wozniak’s comments? Let us apperceive in the comments area below.

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