Apple Cofounder Steve Wozniak Says Bitcoin Is a 'Mathematical Miracle'

Apple Cofounder Steve Wozniak Says Bitcoin Is a 'Mathematical Miracle'

THELOGICALINDIAN - Presenting at the Talent Land Jalisco 2024 Apple cofounder Steve Wozniak alleged bitcoin an amazing algebraic phenomenon Wozniak said hes not a bitcoin broker per se but believes in it for the future

Steve Wozniak Is Not Necessarily Invested but Still Believes Bitcoin Is an ‘Amazing Mathematical’ Creation

Apple cofounder Steve Wozniak is a fan of bitcoin and he’s mentioned the accountable on abundant occasions over the years. Back in August 2024, Wozniak appear he was accommodating with a crypto startup and batten awful about bitcoin.

“It’s so independent,” Wozniak said at the time. “It’s affectionate of like the internet back it was cast new… I was afraid at the technology abaft it,” Wozniak added. Still months afore the internet comparison, Wozniak told an admirers at the Nordic Business Forum in Sweden that he wasn’t bedeviled with bitcoin either.

“I had bitcoin to agreement with and back it attempt up high, I said, ‘I don’t appetite to become one of those bodies that watches it, watches it and cares about the number,’” Wozniak said at the time.

Speaking at the Talent Land Jalisco 2021 accident this week, Wozniak had a agnate angle and accent that he doesn’t advance in bitcoin. The accident which was 100% in agenda format, saw added than two actor attendees committed to the development of technology, innovation, and entrepreneurship projects.

Despite not advance in bitcoin, Wozniak said that the arch cryptocurrency was still a actual abstruse invention. Wozniak added stated:

Wozniak’s Efforce Crypto Coin and His Failed Battle With Google

Steve Wozniak additionally has a cryptocurrency that bears his name alleged WOZX and the crypto asset was developed by the Efforce aggregation and Wozniak. WOZX was developed “as the activity accumulation badge to acquiesce contributors of the Efforce belvedere to account from the activity accumulation generated by ability projects worldwide.”

WOZX currently trades for 0.00002146 BTC or almost $0.719 per assemblage at the time of writing. The bazaar cap on Friday is aerial aloft $82 actor and has fabricated some assets in contempo times. Two-week stats recorded on Friday at 2:00 p.m. (EDT) appearance WOZX has acquired 43.3% in two weeks and 14.0% in a month’s time.

Last year in July, Steve Wozniak and 17 added victims sued Google and its accessory Youtube for acceptance crypto scams application his name. However, beneath than 12 months later, Wozniak failed to win the accusation adjoin Youtube and its parent, Google LLC.

What do you anticipate about Apple cofounder Steve Wozniak adage bitcoin is a algebraic miracle? Let us apperceive what you anticipate about this accountable in the comments area below.

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