Billionaire Calvin Ayre Acquires Crypto Media Outlet Coingeek

Billionaire Calvin Ayre Acquires Crypto Media Outlet Coingeek

THELOGICALINDIAN - Gaming industry website Calvinayrecom afresh acquired cryptocurrency account armpit Coingeekcom This move represents billionaire architect Calvin Ayres growing adulation of bitcoin and his action of its accelerated advance However the move additionally represents a axis to action affected account and ultimately to abutment the development of bitcoin cash

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Calvin Ayre and Coin Geek Address Fake News

Billionaire Calvin Ayre Acquires Crypto Media Outlet Coingeek

According to a columnist release, the armpit was originally congenital in adjustment to abode aggressive affected new circulating in the gaming industry and elsewhere. Ayre noticed a agnate absorbed with the Coingeek website. He anticipation it was a tragedy that so abundant affected account has been circulating about bitcoin, abnormally back the enactment seems to be “alarmist” and “inaccurate” with its coverage. The columnist absolution abundant on its plan:

Bitcoin’s Growth and Calvin Ayre’s Initiatives

Besides demography on Coingeek and aggravating to action affected news, Ayre additionally afresh accustomed job of appropriate agent for abstruse development to Antigua and Barbuda. The columnist absolution mentioned Ayre and account armpit industry wants to advice advance in bitcoin-related commerce.

Jamie Redman, autograph for, covered Ayre’s arrangement as agent to Antiqua and Barbuda. He said, “On August 8, the government of Antigua and Barbuda has appear the billionaire Calvin Ayre will serve as the region’s Economic Envoy, and will admonish the absolute island states on ‘where blockchain technology is actuality utilised.’”

Government on the islands affairs on leveraging Ayre’s ability of bitcoin and gaming to advice them advance on basement for technology. They apprehend Ayre’s ability to “re-invigorate” the gaming industry on the islands.

Ayre Supports Bitcoin Cash

Besides putting his activity into allowance advance bitcoin in places like Antigua and Barbuda, Ayre has additionally appearance abutment for bitcoin cash. He believes that massive on-chain ascent is the able band-aid to the bitcoin ascent conundrum. Ayre alike believes that bitcoin cash could become the bitcoin. The columnist absolution elaborated:

“Ayre maintains that massive on-chain ascent is bare for Bitcoin transaction fees to become baby abundant to accredit micro-transactions, and Ayre believes the Bitcoin Cash blockchain will become the one ‘chain that admiral the world´, a appearance aggregate by the Government of Antigua & Barbuda.​”​

What do you anticipate about Calvin Ayre accepting Do you accept bitcoin banknote will become the world’s absolute bitcoin? Let us apperceive in the comments below.

Images address of Shutterstock, Calvin Ayre, and

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