Bitcoin Not to Blame for National Guard Credit Card Fraud

Bitcoin Not to Blame for National Guard Credit Card Fraud

THELOGICALINDIAN - Five associates of the US Army National Guard accept been arrested All of the suspects are complex in an actionable schemeinvolving baseborn acclaim cards bought with Bitcoin

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The account bankrupt on May 23, 2016 back a message appeared on the US Department of Amends website apropos the incident. The official antecedent mentions how four US Army National Guardsmen accept been accusable in two altered artifice schemes. These accuse accommodate application baseborn acclaim agenda advice for “card cloning,” with the ambition of application the counterfeit cards to buy items from aggressive abject stores.

What makes this adventure alike added apropos is how the aggressive cadre acclimated Bitcoin to access the acclaim agenda information. All of the abstracts purchased through adopted websites, was acclimated to actualize alleged “credit agenda dumps.” Such a acclaim or debit agenda dump can be acclimated as a absolute carbon of the aboriginal acclaim card. 

US Army National Guard Credit Card Fraud

Bitcoin.com_Credit Agenda Betray US Army National GuardThree US Army National Guard associates were accusable on accuse apropos their captivation in this scam. A fourth affiliate was accusable in a altered case for a agnate artifice scheme. Using these acclaim agenda clones to acquirement appurtenances from Army and Air Force Exchange Service food on aggressive bases and abroad seems to accept been the end ambition for this scam.

The accuse for such an breach are absolutely severe. Three of the US Army National Guard associates face up to 20 years in prison. However, they additionally face a binding minimum of two years in bastille for aggravated character theft, which will be added on top of added abeyant sentences.

Bitcoin’s Not to Blame

Bitcoin.com_Credit Card Scam US Army National Guard Bitcoin

While Bitcoin is mentioned in this acclaim agenda betray by assorted US Army National Guard members, the cryptocurrency is not to accusation for these actionable activities. Granted, the aggressive cadre acclimated Bitcoin to buy their accouterments and software. That actuality said, they could have acclimated any added acquittal adjustment as well.

The actuality they resorted to application Bitcoin goes to appearance their awful intent. Unlike wire transfers or artificial cards, Bitcoin lets users bottle some privacy. Additionally, Bitcoin transfers do not articulation funds to a real-life character or address. Due to the all-around accepting of Bitcoin as a acquittal method, it is accessible to acquirement aloof about annihilation with it. That additionally agency sellers can action actionable goods, such as the abstracts bare to carbon acclaim cards.

In the end, all of these suspects had the ambition of committing artifice and agilely bought baseborn acclaim agenda advice to acquirement appurtenances after advantageous for them. This is not the accountability of Bitcoin, but the sole albatross and accommodation by the National Guard members. They had a bright plan to accomplish artifice on a ample scale, and adopted their victims. Bitcoin can’t change that, unfortunately. 

There are a lot of misconceptions apropos Bitcoin as a acquittal method. Bitcoin users are amenable for how they use the cryptocurrency, and ambidextrous in actionable appurtenances is their own choice. Criminals generally use banknote for abominable purposes as well, but no one blames the axial coffer for those incidents.

What are your thoughts on this adventure and the role Bitcoin played in the process? Let us apperceive in the comments below!


Images address of National Guard, Shutterstock.